Beware the “Words with Friends” scammers

New predators are stalking older women via chat in online games. Here’s how to protect yourself and your family.

My mother is nobody’s fool. She is also such a fan of the online Scrabble knockoff “Words with Friends” (WWF) that I might use the word addiction to describe her relationship with the game and only be exaggerating a smidge.

During a recent visit, Mom shared an odd experience she had while playing that turned out to be a new kind of scam.

Players of WWF can trade instant messages with opponents during each match, so there’s a social component to the game. In separate matches over a few weeks, not one, not two, but three different opponents claimed to be widowed engineers working aboard ships on the high seas. As each match proceeded, the man (often named Owen) would share that his wife had died in childbirth, and that his daughter was being raised by a cousin or a nurse while he worked aboard ship.

Here’s a stitched-together screenshot of one such conversation:

The conversation turned creepy the moment Owen asks my mother how tall she is. So even without the red-flag repetition of the same script across three different people, she was skeptical.

“What do I do?” she asked me.

I showed Mom how to block a player on WWF.

Then we put our deerstalker detective hats on: a few minutes of energetic Googling turned up a long thread on the Zynga user forum about this scam. (Zynga is the company that created WWF.)

How the scam works

“Owen” (or whoever) strikes up a casual conversation with what he hopes is a lonely, older, female WWF player. As time and many matches go by, Owen tells the woman player his life story, asks dozens of questions about her life and tastes, and talks romantically with her.

Eventually, after months, catastrophe strikes Owen. His daughter needs an operation that costs $20,000, but Owen is stuck aboard a ship of the coast of Turkey, or some other remote place. Owen then asks the woman player for money.

This is a classic long con.

It might seem beyond belief that anybody would ever fall for this, but innocent people have been falling for the Nigerian Prince scam for years and to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.

The WWF scam is newer, but it has already claimed at least one victim: a New Zealand woman lost $60,000 over the course of months to a con artist.

How to protect yourself or a loved one

Here are some simple best practices to follow in order to keep scam artists at a distance:

1. Don’t play online games with people you don’t know in real life.

Even if, like my mother, you’re a skilled WWF player who is running out of challenging opponents, if you don’t know who the person on the other side of the screen is in real life, then don’t play.

2. If you do play with strangers — and you shouldn’t — then don’t share personal information.

Be skeptical: don’t tell a stranger where you live, how old you are, what you do for a living, what music you like, what TV shows you watch.

The more questions a stranger asks you — flattering though they might be — the more suspicious you should become.

3. Change your profile picture.

At one point, my mother’s profile picture showed her standing next to my 17 year-old daughter, who is very pretty. (I admit that I’m biased.) That picture provoked many WWF players to flirt with my mother, as they were hoping that the player was the granddaughter rather than the grandma.

I helped Mom change the profile picture to one of just her, but the new picture functioned as bait for the scammers, who seem to presume that older women playing WWF are lonely and susceptible to pretended attention and affection.

We then changed Mom’s profile picture to one of my dog, an adorable Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Ace. So far, nobody has tried to scam the pup.

4. Never send money to people you don’t know.


5. If you’re tempted to send money to a stranger — and you shouldn’t do it — ask a friend or family member for a sanity check.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in somebody’s story, but if you find yourself tempted to send money to a stranger — even if it’s just a little — ask for help.

Call your best friend or your skeptical relative and ask, “does this seem legit to you?”

If you’re too embarrassed to do this, then you probably already suspect that the person who wants the money isn’t who he claims to be.

6. When in doubt: research

If you’re too embarrassed to ask a person for help, then visit myth-busting sites like or simply copy a chunk of text from the chat session, paste it into Google and hit “return.”

You’ll be surprised by how quickly information pops up that will detach you from acting on a really bad idea.

Conclusion: the scariest thing of all

When I imagine where Owen is sitting as he is having this fraudulent conversation with my mother, the most likely scenario is that he is in boiler room surrounded by other men all staring intently into their computer monitors and having dozens of similar conversations with other innocent women all at the same time.

This is one reason why Owen and his ilk almost never use the first names of their intended victims, preferring “my dear” or “honey” or the like: they don’t want to blow it and address “Mary” as “Sally.”

The boiler room is scary enough, but even scarier is the idea that instead of a room full of sweaty guys, maybe Owen is a bot.

If Owen is a rudimentary AI that is following a complex script — including deliberately misspelled words to make the bot seem less botty — then that means that this scam potentially has global scale at what is effectively zero cost to the scammers.

The Centaur Scenariois a little more likely and still scary. “Centaur” is science writer Clive Thompson’s term for a collaboration between people and programs that turns out to be more effective than either humans or bots alone.

In this scenario, bots would start the games and initiate the chats with the intended victims. Then, when the victim started to engage in conversation, the bot would hand the victim over to a human con artist.

There’s an old New Yorker cartoon, “on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” That’s true, and as AI gets more sophisticated it is becoming harder to tell whether the “person” you’re chatting with is even a mammal.

Ultimately it doesn’t matter whether the being trying to scam you while playing WWF is a person, program or combination.

What matters is that you protect yourself and your loved ones.


[Cross-posted on the Center site and elsewhere.]



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375 responses to “Beware the “Words with Friends” scammers”

  1. Owen Avatar

    Hey… it’s not just men hitting on women. I get hit on by young women all wanting iTunes gift cards… eventually

    1. Steve Avatar

      Same here, very recently. The profile pictures are usually extremely attractive and provocative, and they immediately strike up a conversation. I figured the first time, once I told this supposedly young attractive woman I was 65 and happily married for 35 years, she’d either just end the game or keep playing , finish and that would be it. But the conversation continued with the offer of exchanging phone numbers and pictures, which I of course decline and end the game.

      No, joke, I’ve gotten about 12 of these, all separate “people” within about two weeks.

      1. Beth Romeo Avatar
        Beth Romeo

        Me too! One guy , Austin Scott Miller.. uses the real Austin Scott’s photo ( lutenant in the Army.. Kabul.) As is ID. The came back as Travis Austin!
        These guys stop playing as soon as you stop talking. What a bunch of jerks!

        1. Lorna Avatar

          Hey! “Travis Austin” tried the same with me. I cant count how many of them have come across my chat. My first words are WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING? They are mostly all engineers on a oil rig off the coast. Sad.

          1. Ruth Cook Avatar

            I’ve had him too

          2. Vickie Smith Avatar
            Vickie Smith

            Has anyone heard the Name Peter Michael Bryant from Portland Maine? My 74 year handicap sister is being romance scam by this person??

        2. Ruth Cook Avatar

          I’ve had all these men as well… got Chrismorris Alex morris.and a few more….they’re very persistent…

          1. Heidi Avatar

            Ever play with a Davis Anderson? Just curious he’s been talking to me but not asking personal questions

          2. Susan Barone Avatar

            Yes Davis was the one who asked me if I knew how to chat because I failed to respond to him after replying “hello.” The game timed out eventually.

          3. Sam Avatar

            Watch out for Luis Chanaga. He’s married and lures so many into chats and sex. Don’t feel bad for him and his “awful” wife who is just around to keep his high paying religious executive job at Kettering Health

        3. Becky Avatar

          Wow. Me too. Watch out for Ablelard Clause. January 18, 2020.
          His pic is model perfect.
          59 yrs old, 15 year old daughter, wife dead, lives in Indiana, misspelled words, words out of context, Ex: “I swear your husband is lucky to have such an amazing creature as a wife you know ( then there’s an
          upside down question mark). I envy him so much already.” He asked me music I like. I said country, IL Divo, pop. He said he liked coil and country song.
          I ask what is coil and he said, sorry meant cool music. He’s ( ??) really full of it!! I just told him “that everything I have told you isn’t true except for being busy.” I took some advice from one of your commenters and said I was married to a mafia member and am very exhausted trying to hide
          and our chatting may stop at any time. But I will give him notice if I can. Haven’t heard from him in 3 days.

          1. Linda Avatar

            Hey, mine is a single dad of a 15 yr old daughter, too! I wanted to quit the game & block him, but didn’t want to be rude.

          2. abbie Avatar

            if any of you play word feud watch out for steelers2021. he asked me “how old where from” and I resigned the game. hope scrabble companies filter messages like those in the near future…..

        4. He says your amazing and I’ve never seen anyone as gorgeous as you ha ha Avatar
          He says your amazing and I’ve never seen anyone as gorgeous as you ha ha

          Anyone come across Mark Robert

      2. elis Avatar

        8.8.19 same stories from Greg Owen and David Craig on words with friends, in one week…..beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        1. Heidi Avatar

          I had that David Craig too, did you ever have Davis Anderson?

        2. Shelby Van Ess Avatar
          Shelby Van Ess

          These idiots all operate the same way! Beware of Micheal Scott. And that’s how he spelled, red flags everywhere! All he wanted to do was chat .. I’m not playing to chat! He wanted to know “where I was playing from”. These men are rude as hell. He looked like Bin Laden’s cousin, lol!

          1. Shelby Van Ess Avatar
            Shelby Van Ess

            You are correct! He did look like Bin Laden, lol!

          2. Christina Thomas Avatar
            Christina Thomas

            I just dont repond. They get real .mad.
            Sometimes i call them out and then their Account just disapears

          3. Susan Avatar

            I have Mike Scott on wwf now. Hex wants my phone number so he can send me a pic. He says he’s in CO but he has. KY area code. He sent me his number.

      3. Ingrid Denk Avatar

        I love to mess with these creeps on WWF if they say their Engineers, so am i, whatever they say they do, i ask them about the job, they change subject, if they say theyre American,i ask where theyre born. Eventually they dissapear! Lol watch for CORBIN BEN,EDDIE JOHNS,BENNET JACK, RICHARD RODGERS,EDDIE JOHNS, Donald Gentle, Frank Edwin.

        1. GILL F. Avatar
          GILL F.

          Me too… usually they are “from Europe initially”. One was from Germany, but when I wrote to him in German, he hadn’t a clue what I was saying 😂😂😂
          Play them at their own fame, then call them out. Last one had the cheek to call me a “gold digging slut”!!! 😂 😂 😂

          1. Cindy Avatar

            Exactly! I sent a Nigerian scammer to the Western Union 3 days in a row to pick up the money I was sending him…boy was he mad when he found out I played him 😆😆😆

          2. Angela Avatar

            Oh my goodness. I thought I was alone on this issue. I had a guy Kennedy Derek said he was from Germany living in Florida. Working as a road and bridge engineer on a contract in Russia. Widow with 2 kids. When I told him he was a fake he said I was accusing him of being “a goal digger” I really knew then he was a flake…

          3. Ann Avatar

            Beware of James Anderson, James Tuscher, Bernard Charles, all romance scammers, beware

        2. Melinda Avatar

          One guy asked me if I was married (among other things listed). I told him yes but that my husband was in prison. He said why in prison. I said he got killed for killing a scammer! ROTFL! He resigned pretty quickly.

          1. Donna Avatar

            🤣🤣 Good one!🤣🤣

      4. sue Avatar

        I am.on scrabble go I am 60 but look much younger, playing this game I have had dozens of men mainly supposedly american telling me how beautiful I am etc, I feel they are using other people’s faces as a ploy, as off yet I have had an ugly one hit on me, do these people know they are also being used and their photo uplifted……
        it’s so very sad because I trust no one and I’m sure that then they win !!! such as life be careful our there

        1. Jan Avatar

          Hi there – I’ve had quite a few of these men just wanting a ‘chat’. Usualky asking lots of questions which I answer vaguely. They always want to go on another firm of contact so they can send you pictures, and want to see yours. I always do a reverse image search. The last one I did had 66 returns! It seems to be happening more and more on WWF. Not sure how we can stop it! I always report as abuse – impersonation

          1. abbie Avatar

            if any of you play word feud watch out for steelers2021. He asked me how old I am and where i lived….
            i hope that in the near future scrabble companies will filter messages like these.

          2. Torchy Avatar

            How can I do a reverse image on a man I met in WWF?

          3. Rebecca Avatar

            That’s classic. I’m sure some men just want a date or are likely married and want to hook up (like Luis Chanaga did or tried with several people on here). It’s not a dating site. They should join one if that’s what they’re looking for.

      5. Annettew Avatar

        Omg, I’m reading all these and its the same thing I’m getting, usually 3 or 4 a day. I like to play along telling them all lies about myself, 1 guy said he was a Dr yet when I told him I was a paramedic he asked what that was and was I able to work from home during the pandemic. They also want to know what and when I ate last, haven’t figured that one out yet and become quite upset when I say no. All want me to go on other apps or give them my gmail, and spend hours begging me to when I say no. If you just resign they come back so be sure to block them. Don’t know if reporting them had done any good.

    2. Rygar Avatar

      They tried to scam me too but never asked for money. I made them mad before they could ask.

    3. Not Owen Avatar
      Not Owen

      Sure ‘Owen’

    4. Beth Avatar

      I’ve had plenty of those people do the same thing. I already know what they trying to do they are also asking people if they have hangout and they seem to be desperately wanting people to join hangout.

      1. kay C richards Avatar
        kay C richards

        Oh my gosh! I am getting 3 or 4 a week of these scammers. One guy insisted I join hangout!! hha I am so used to their game now, that I like to turn the tables on them. I do not care if I am rude to them or not (and I am actually not a rude person).

      2. Gigi Avatar

        That’s hilarious. I got one and he asked me about hangout and I told him I don’t go out much these days. I don’t know many good places to go to. I didn’t know what hangout was. I thought he wanted to know where to go and met people.

    5. Sharon Avatar

      Anyone have a Brandon Wyatt, Manuel Rutherford or Wilson Mark? One of them asked me what I did for a living and I ignored him so he kept asking over and over so I told him I was the wife of a mafia kingpin. He said it sounded interesting but I told him it was exhausting trying to find places to hide the bodies. Lol🤣

      1. Diane Avatar

        Finally reading these because I have had nothing but new scammers since November who send a message after I play my first tiles…. so I decided to google this scam. Thanks for all the info. I changed my profile pic to my dog and this has cut back on all scammers. Although the scammers resigning or timing out because I will not chat outside of the game has really helped me with my win/loss percentage… LOL

        Look out for Frank Wilson who is on a peace keeping mission in Kabul Afghanistan and for Andrew Charles who is an offshore oil rig engineer. There were others with similar stories but I can’t find my older games on my Phone App.

        Good luck….NEVER SEND MONEY! Happy New Year

        1. Sharon Avatar

          Watch out for Glen who also says he’s a Peacekeeper in Afghanistan, has a 13 year old son and his wife passed away 5 years ago. His knowledge of the english language is not good and he’ll drive you nuts about going on Hangouts.

          1. Jane Avatar

            I’ve lost count of Peacekeepers & Engineers! But the English syntax always gives them away! Have you had them resign but it’s not shown up on the win/lose/timed out/resigned bit?

        2. Judith Mammay Avatar
          Judith Mammay

          I wonder if they know General Kaiser who I also over there. Googled him…h really is a general…too bad his English is poor and he knows nothing about the military!

          1. Victoria Avatar

            You should of asked him who’d dug him up? LOL

        3. Rebecca Leonard Avatar

          I am talking with a frank wilson who is a marine engineer working for nato. My daughter told me it’s a scam. I’ve been googling him and can find nothing. He has white hair and looks to be55-60.

          1. Chrissy Avatar

            It’s always a scam. Looking them up is irrelevant. They don’t exist and have stolen someone’s Facebook pictures and made up a character. That person in the picture exists, but they don’t know anything except for the messages they get from people they don’t know and aren’t chasing. They make millions on these romance scams.

        4. Pnk Avatar

          Also beware of peter walter stuck in Africa needs to get home to daughter in states

    6. Dave Avatar

      Exactly…this issue goes both ways. Many months ago I started playing with a woman who wanted all sorts of personal info from me, including my e-mail address so we “could talk privately”, lol! Of course she got blocked instantly…things were quiet for a while but now all of sudden I’m getting hit with game requests from whose pics are definitely provocative, to say the least, and of course they’re all getting blocked….

    7. Susan Avatar

      Married men use this site to hook up with women. Luis Chanaga aka LC used this site and games to manipulate women into meeting up and having sex by telling women his marriage was to an emotionally abusive woman who sexually shamed him. He is president at an Adventist hospital and very active in his church. Claimed his married was just to keep his job and for his kids. He slept with so many women using this game.

      1. Rebecca Avatar

        I played that guy too. He liked to ask a lot of personal questions. Too many and he made me uncomfortable.

      2. Paula Avatar

        Haha I remember LC. He was smooth. Eventually he got too personal and I knew he was looking to hook up. He told me to chat with him on Skout but I never did. I don’t think he was after money or anything. Just a lonely married man in a sad marriage to a mean wife.

      3. Michelle Avatar

        I don’t think Luis plays anymore. Maybe his wife found out he slept with women most of their marriage. Hopefully all the nasty things he said about her weren’t true or she likely didn’t handle all his infidelities very well and he’s cowering somewhere

        1. Joey Avatar

          OMG luis Chanaga! He was bizarre with all his deep questions and telling me positive affirmations like go thrive today. He was married and hiding from his religious cult and controlling wife… or just out to scam people… who knows for what. That was a few years ago and he probably burned through his meet up for sex options eventually. I think he at least used a real name and was a real person. Lonely people trying to escape their lives or hide from reality probably find their way into this game easily.

  2. M Komulainen Avatar
    M Komulainen

    Yes. First thing was a pic of a handsome marine. Says to me. Hi beautiful. Haha. I’m 70.

    1. Lucy Avatar

      If anyone hears of a John Alexander on wwf. US Navy. Gorgeous! Pictures, videos the lot.
      Wanted me to send a Steam Card… what ever I could afford so that he could upgrade his computer and and apply for leave to come to see me.
      I dont understand why he wants a steam card or what it is, but he ain’t getting it from me!
      Careful GIRLS, Hes good!

      1. B Avatar

        I had a guy named David Moor ask me the same thing. He got mad when I wouldn’t do it. He said he had to update his computer. I was like can’t you buy it online. He claimed it didn’t work.

    2. JR Avatar

      I just deleted WWF. Done with the dead beat, wife is gone, single dad bullshit. Beware of Kelvin Stone. He’s a very convincing con man. It’s a fun game, but something should be done about the message option. To bad we can’t have nice things. 😡🤬

      1. Sharilyn Avatar

        Just MUTE the chats with all males. It gives you that option. At least it does now. A few years back it did not have that. There is even a new “shield” that you can block and report.

        1. Deborah Aldrich Avatar

          Also check their stats. If they have 0 wins and they’re level 1,sometimes I mess with them before blocking them and say ” so, how come you’re playing a level 24?”
          The blocking option is good, it’s not rude, you have the choice in life about with whom you wish to speak.

  3. Glenda Avatar

    Jose Daniel….beware of him scamming! He’s fake

    1. Cs Avatar

      Yes there is also a scammer pretending to be a UN worker in Afghanistan. It’s odd that this UN worker also had a business inTurkey and needed money. Beware.

      1. Anne Avatar

        What was his name?

        1. Susan Williams Avatar

          Thomas Stewart from Texas. Supposed to be a Petroleum Chemical Engineer. Nice pictures on Facebook. Spells good, has good English…just wondering if anyone has heard from him, or of him.

          1. Stacy c Avatar

            I played a Thomas S. Who was an engineer in Texas & was supposedly originally from Berlin, Getmany. Dark hair, gorgeous blue eyes & nice beard?

    2. Terry Avatar

      I learned my lesson about scammer players. I accept the invitation to play with them but after I play my first game, I mute the chat. Next thing I know, they disappeared from the game.

  4. Dee Avatar

    I am playing with somebody right now who says he is from Germany but lived in NY and Florida for a bit. He says he is a widower because his wife died at childbirth with their son who is 12. He wanted my email address but I told him no. He is looking for someone to love and take care of his son which I didn’t fall for. What actually made me suspicious is the English as if he is using a translator device.

    I forgot to mention that is happening on WWF as well. I am a an older woman and I am not going fall from it. Too smart for that. Just going to see how this going to play out.

    1. Karen Avatar

      I have a bunch from Germany living in us. Same line! Are these bots? The photos are lamely model worthy too. That’s when I got suspicious. Fortunately did not give them any personal info. Crazy

      1. Jemima Avatar

        I have one at the moment from Spain and living in US. His wife has died and he is raising his three kids alone. He asked if I am happily married with kids and still wants to chat after I said yes. I get lots of these and usually ignore them and they stop playing but I am getting sick of it so want to pick on him a bit to keep me amused.

      2. J Valle Avatar
        J Valle

        Has anyone ever dealt with a
        Daniel Williams or Daniel William ?

        1. Michelle Gaddes Avatar
          Michelle Gaddes

          Watch out for a Daemon Luke Madein. Oh my goodness. Gaslighting, manipulative and persistent.

    2. Donna Avatar

      Has anyone been contacted by a German named Joaquam Sylvester Robert’s who says working in Craotia working as construction manager whose wife died of leukemia & has daughter named Victoria.
      Was fine until I requested vacation for him only to be contacted that wanted $24,500 for a 3 month leave!!
      Obviously..not so stupid. Has this person contacted anyone else??

      1. Lisa Avatar

        Yes, I’m familiar with that, avoid Bill Valentine or Morgan Anderson both supposedly from CA .

    3. Jan Avatar

      They all seen to be American working in the Army in Afghanistan (latest one William Milton a General no less), sometimes brought up in an orphanage (for the awwww factor), all seem to have lost their wives to cancer (again awww) and all want to go on whatsapp, hangout or facebook so they can look at your beautiful photos. I reverse image search out of interest to see how many times the photo has been used in the scam (Milton was 66). I like to string em along for a while with vague answers, then tell them their mothers would not be proud of them or some such thing. Sadly there will always be someone out there who is taken in.

      1. Debra Avatar

        I have only been on for a little while and had 6 so called men friend me to play wanting to know temp and what’s for dinner. One guy was listed as if in college but he looked 60 something in his picture. It is just crazy. I have a picture of a mouse as mine and one guy actually said how beautiful I was really ???
        Gary Scott sound familiar James curtis.
        Donald gerrick

  5. Dee Avatar

    I had a guy named Tony that was probably a scammer. One of his first questions he asked was if I was married and had kids? He mentioned that he is married by know more (his words not mine). He meant he was married but his wife died during childbirth. He was was looking for someone to love. He me several times for my email address and I kept saying no. He then proceeded to give me his email address. That’s when I blocked him. What made me suspicious was that he sounded like a foreigner (he said that he was from Germany and he lived in NY and Florida in the past) and might have been using a translator device or something. I wished that I wrote this before I blocked him so I could give his full WWF name. But his profile says that he is from the US. Whether it is true or not, I don’t know. This is a heads up

    1. Renee E Anderson Avatar
      Renee E Anderson

      A similar situation is happening to me now. The guy’s name if Greg Williams. He said that he has two kids and his has full custody of his sons because he caught his wife cheating in his bed. However, what really put me on high alert was when he said that his wife died while giving birth to the man she cheat with baby, smh. He also shared that he is a construction engineer born in Germany, resides in Texas and is now on an offshore oil rig in Turkey. SMH beware of these creeps ladies!!!

    2. Matches Avatar

      Yes, happened to me. 4 guys says they were dingle parents because their wife died tragically. But now I don’t respond. When I see a message icon pop up, I ignore it

    3. Cat Tay Avatar
      Cat Tay

      Hi. I live in Western Australia and for the state on my profile it switched my WA so it reads as if it’s WA Washington State in America lol so I left it at that. They profile you and compose an idea on you. Asking questions like married single kids even where you grew up and favorite colour as in banking apps and the like you have security questions that you have to answer. I’ve been hacked twice innthe last two months. eBay PayPal and my card details linked to another account. I talk to scammers in words with friends and genuine ppl though not always and on Instagram scammers are everywhere you turn. The more you say no to giving out your email or your phone number or you won’t go to hangouts or download it I’m firm when I say no they say I’m rude and mean lol I said so I’m mean when you are the one being disrespectful towards me by expecting me to give personal details to you a stranger I’ve sooken very little to in 3 days?! Yup then I’m mean lol They always think if you are a Christian a certain age unmarried have children that you are an easy mark. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Waste their time. Talk tell them a story as that’s what they’re doing! They are all engineers marine, chemical, building construction now it’s all oil rigs and army men. There are sites you can image search. Most charge but I run the photo thru to see if they’ve stolen the photo. It’s so disgusting they choose army personnel military personnel and it turns my stomach! Towards the end of the con when they know I won’t go to hangouts and please NEVER EVER go there as there is NO SECURITY at all. I’ve noticed my phone runs slow when they talk and I wonder is it being hacked at that time as I’ve been hacked in two months twice!
      Don’t ever give in to these degenerates!! Play THEM tell them stories and question their questions they hate that and just write ok ok then they say ok dear lol do what you can to get rid of but I report abuse on WWF and impersonation, unwanted attention and sure they’ll get new names but make it harder REPORT THEM.

      1. Lisa Avatar

        I’m familiar with the request to go to Hangouts in Goggle, Bill Valentine is a engineer, in the marines , claimed he lost his wife Alice due to lung cancer, works on a oil rig for four months in Mexico ocean, what’s funny is he said I told my grand daughters about you and they wanted to email me but the funny thing they were messing up the names of who they were and who I was, I was having fun with this…but I finally stopped this little game. So true you can’t trust something you can’t see, one person said ask them to Facetime you , if they can’t drop em’ they aren’t who they say they are . Thanks for your advice.

      2. Judy Avatar

        When men ask for my phone number I give them the number to Dial A Prayer (704 482 0022 ). One guy, Gary019 said he sent me a text at that number but my game has been jammed for the last 5 days and I can’t play. By the way, don’t bother writing to Zynga tech support. They are less than useless

  6. Lora Avatar

    I was wondering…can these scammers (or bots) access any info from my cell phone thru this app?

    1. Pauline Avatar

      I’ve got one on now called ‘Thomas ‘ he gave me his email and asked me to write to him on it so he can “chat some more “ I said no thanks, it’s his go at the moment 🤣🤣

      1. Mm Avatar

        Hello, I talked with a Thomas too. An engineer in Turkey.

    2. K K Avatar

      I am presently worried about that also. I didn’t go on hangouts, did not give a phone number or email. But I’m worried they hacked my phone. And strange men are trying to friend me on Facebook based on I’m a widow and I said I like flowers. Also my perps name is Raymond Buffman, I took his photo to a catfish photo site and found his pic on 20 different dating sites, slightly different pics. So I think this mans photos were stolen and being used for money scams.

  7. Emma Avatar

    I was scammed on Boggle with Friends by Jeffs3007. He acts innocent, chats but is terrible at the game, so I gave him tips but he was more interested in me. I was flattered and gave him one of my email addresses that I use. We started chatting on email, but then he wanted my phone number. I refused repeatedly but he got to me, so I finally shared it. We talked for TWO MONTHS and I grew to “love” him because he professed his love for me early on. Now I have read that is a big red flag. But again, I was flattered he said all the right things and seemed too good to be true. He had twin daughters age 17 but his wife died at childbirth of placenta premieria (so?). He continued to send me a lot of pictures, some of him when he was younger with his two girls. Long story short, he was going to come visit me and then all of a sudden had “work” in Hong Kong. A 7-figure contract he made sure to tell me (and pictures of him in his Porsche). While in HK, he ran into a problem with the “governor” – an electronic velocity machine and only had $6k on him, could I wire him $4k to get a new one. He was good, really good at fooling me. But I didn’t send him money. Each time he would try to guilt me into sending it. When I finally asked him to send me a picture of his drivers license and passport, including pictures of his stamp for entering Hong Kong, he became defensive and did he shouldn’t have to provide that. I said well if you want me to send you money, you have to send me that first. Nope, no way. I was “challenging” his “integrity”!! Give me a break. He continued to harass me via text message so I blocked him. Now I see him back on Boggle trying to scam other lonely vulnerable women.

    1. Tracy Avatar

      I’d love to see the photo he’d using. I think he’s on WWF

    2. Laura Avatar

      I get these on a daily basis. I like to check the profiles to see how long they’ve been playing. That’s a red flag. I figured there must have been some sort of a scam when I had 2 of these requests Within 10 minutes. I kept resigning on 1 player, I finally blocked him. Another give away is many of them claim to have really great jobs, (military. Oil refineries ect.) oh and not to forget. being widows and single parent. I have to laugh at their use of English.. I did call one guy out on his English and he a totally gave up.

      1. Cindy Avatar

        I get these guy pretty regularly. If I ignore their texts they stop playing. If I answer, they quickly start calling me dear, or my love, an I tell them to stop with the terms of endearment, we are not really friends, I fact we dont know each other, really. But this last week, when 3 guys started chatting, I told them I loved the game, but not chatting, then gave them a list on guys who loved to chat as I keep screen shots of these scammers. No one has started a game with me since, it could be the same guy using different names.

    3. Susan Williams Avatar
      Susan Williams

      So sorry Emma. Same thing is happening to me. Sounds like you handled it good. I might add: If they say they are from the USA, & licensed here for work, you can check to see if they actually have a License as an engineer, etc. Mine’s name is: Thomas Stewart. He
      is supposedly from Texas, widowed, has a 15 yr. old daughter, etc. I checked his license, and he has none, here in the US. So Sad, & he keeps wanting me to get the Telegram Messenger App. on my phone, so we can talk private.

      1. sadie williams Avatar
        sadie williams

        Yes….definitely. He is using the pictures of: Al Vazquez for his Profile pictures. Al is a big car dealer in Miami, Florida. Thomas?? is a real charmer, but always wanting money. Always has a sob story. I feel for these lost souls, but I cannot help them. Better to just block them.

        1. Common Sense Avatar
          Common Sense

          Don’t feel sorry for them. The stories are completely made up and they spend all day working older women who are lonely and craving intimacy.

          Usually it’s a small group of scammers who can be male or female and work in a room together like a small business. They keep notes and use scripts. It’s nothing more than a job to them.

          Never feel sorry for them. Their entire existence is to rob us using our most vulnerable weaknesses against us. They’re nothing more than parasites.

          Most haven’t even been married yet, or have children. You’d be better off hiring a discrete escort to go on dates with. As hurtful as it is, if they were American and out of our league due to age, wealth, or looks that doesn’t change because they’re from or stuck in another country.

          The hot guy who’s a little younger with grown children, widowed, and worth large amounts of hidden wealth isn’t looking for an older, lonely Polly Anna to share his fortune and ride off into the sunset.

  8. Elena Avatar

    Scammer Alert: James Adam Jamesadamdesign501 AdamJ3308
    He claims to be CEO of KLCC in Irving, TX.
    The man in pictures is actually married businessman in Middle East.
    The scammer stole his photos from Instragram.

  9. Kris A Hering Avatar

    So today I was playing Words with Friends and a nice looking man popped up wanting to play so I accepted. (Not sure why since I have always only played with people I know). Any how, everything I’m reading above sounds familiar to this guy’s story. First his name is Thomas Shawn. He claims to be a Marine Engineer for Maersk Shipping line. Lives in Galveston, Texas. Claims his wife died during childbirth of his now 13 year old daughter. He’s asking me a lot of questions and now wants me to go on Google Hangouts to chat with him but I don’t plan to. Has anyone heard of this man yet?


      Sounds like someone who played wwf. Said wife died anf faugher14. Said was in Dubia but was sent to Nigeria where he was robbed anf beaten . Been in hospital for a yest anf a half. Getting ready to contact Federal Trade commission. English is great and spelling too.

      1. Leesa Avatar

        Names to watch out for,
        Anthony Hoke & Van Vega.

        1. Nella Avatar

          More names to watch out for: walter stone, Stephen James, Fred Anderson.

          1. Alex Avatar

            Hi Nella! I believe my mom is being scammed by a Fred Anderson. Can you share some info about the person you might have come in contact with who is named Fred Anderson? My mom has been talking to this guy for 3 years…he claims he is originally from Turkey, move to Kentucky, has a daughter, he is widowed from an addict (which so is my mom), working on an oil rig in the UK…any help would be much appreciated!

      2. Shirley Avatar

        How about Jarry Scott anyone here about him

        1. Connie Avatar

          Anyone heard if James Stuart. Supposedly working in Syria for the UN. Wife died of breast cancer. Suppose to be from Denver Co

        2. Carlee Avatar

          Got one called donald scott. Claiming wife died i. Car accident and is raising 14 year old daughter whos in boarding school in California. He’s on ship as engineer. Wants gift cards and money all the time. Beware probably same guy they change names a whole group of them doing this crap

    2. Kat Avatar

      There are quite a few “Thomas’” out there, somehow involved in shipping, sometimes mentioning Maersk Line.
      Here’s the deal. There really is a Captian Thomas Madsen with Maersk. He’s quite handsome and his photo is frequently used in scams. I have had 7 encounters with fake Thomas’s.
      Check out his facebook page and ALL his photos and you will soon realize there are quite a few scammers using the handsome Capt.’s photos.

    3. Joyce Atela Avatar
      Joyce Atela

      Captain Thomas started to talk to me today. I could be his mother. He’s a year younger than my oldest son. He wouldn’t give up. What’s your favorite color, food. Did you eat today dear. Sweet dreams. I said goodbye. He’s the second Captain from Maersk with pictures too on ship. These Captains should be careful with their pictures. They look like they’re posing like models for them. It’s fun in the beginning but then the pressure for money starts. No wife, daughter in boarding school. Need money fore her books. Their money is frozen until contract is finished. In the middle of Black Sea with Russian ships all around. Need to buy internet or we can’t talk. Can use money in accounts until they get back to the states. The pirates came aboard & beat me up. Help! I need money!!! I promise you’ll get it back as soon as my plane land with interest. I need a private helicopter to get off ship but it costs $5400 cash. Can you send it to a place in Georgia for me. Oh we’ll have a wonderful life. Buy a house & live happily ever after. They cast a spell, really you start to believe them. Thank God I’m poor!!! So many women loss everything, take loans. They want to die. So you Captains out there get your sexy pictures off the internet. It’s destroying women’s lives.

    4. Lynne Avatar

      Not him, but recently playing words with friends with a man who I thought was or seem to be a nice person. His wife died a few years ago of cervical cancer, and he was orphaned at the age of 12 and brought up by his father Andrew. His 12 year old daughter named Kaelyn. He was a little bit taken aback I think when I told him that I also had cervical cancer. But yeah, I survived. We continue the conversation for two days while playing the game and I was kicking his butt but giving him tips. All the sudden this morning I don’t remember what exactly happened. Other than it was about to make a move in a little chat came up real quick, about how I could text him on his email address. She had previously given it to me and asked me to email him, but I never did because I’m very happily married. I told him three times that. I think he tried to tell me something before all the sudden our game was shut off. He made a move, but I never received the message she sent, and I never saw the word, but I saw some thing quickly as to: “I will always talk to you” then the screen went blank, and it said “opponent has timed out” then I tried to go back and research our previous games and conversations. They were all deleted. I have no way of knowing exactly the email that he gave me because I was never going to use it so I did not pay attention. But it is very disturbing to me that someone out there has some personal info. No bank records or anything like that, but in the general vicinity of where I live and today about an hour and a half after that someone was ringing my doorbell and then knocking on the door. I did not answer and the car sat on the street and not in the driveway. That was pretty disturbing to me. I did not put it together until I just heard from friends that someone is trying to scam my Facebook account. Someone is going on there using an old Facebook account and asking for a friend request. I am very upset about this and I really don’t know what to do.

      1. Lynne Avatar

        Also, he said he lives in his parents old home in Duluth, Minnesota. And he works somehow offshore, as an engineer. Last night he worked through the night to finish a plan he was working on. He said he could not wait to get offshore and he was working on a plan for a design. he is homeschooling his daughter because his wife died of cervical cancer. If I had not gone through that myself, I would’ve questioned him sooner. And the homeschooling bit is a nice touch. I am so disgusted with myself for being duped this way. I am much smarter than this. But yes, I think I am addicted to WWF because I love to do crosswords and puzzles like this. I never used to chat with anyone, but it was very endearing, which is why he probably was trained to be disgusting. Oh yes, his parents died in a car crash when he was 12 years old and he was raised by a priest, father Andrew. In the foster system. He continually tried to get me to go to his email address. So we could chat privately, because his burdens were so deep or some such nonsense. I never took notice to the email address because I was just playing words with friends and making small talk to chat, so I thought.

  10. Melissa Avatar

    I have also been scammed by someone playing Words with Friends. In reading the above stories, mine sounds very familiar. The person I was playing with the last few weeks goes by the name Thomas Ethan. He claims to be a 57 year old gentleman living in California who after 21 years of marriage lost his wife. He claims his adult son and grandson (“Elvis”) live with him and he is an Engineer. Until today, I thought for the most part things were innocent although he was constantly asking questions about me and telling me how much he liked me. I’m married with four adult sons as I told him many times and just thought he was a lonely man looking for companionship. That is until today, when while supposedly on a business trip in Chicago, IL, he needed me to get him a $200 Google Play card to help with a business project and he would pay me back. I don’t think so. I may be gullible….but not that stupid. Blocked.

  11. PL Avatar

    There are SO many of these “men” popping up on WWF anymore it’s ridiculous. They all have pretty much same stories. They also always want to exchange email and go to Google Hangout too. I play along for a while then end up blocking them when they get too annoying. Wish all these scammers would take a long walk off a short pier and sink to the bottom of the water…for good.

    1. Marie Avatar

      I have 13 guys that have hit me up to play WWF just this week. All stories are the same…. Work on oil rig, widowed or divorced, thousands of questions and when I answer they respond with okay or a reply that doesn’t match with my answer, all thinking I’m the most beautiful person ever. Made the mistake of giving one my email. His email to me was in my spam folder and consisted of him trying to convince me to do a long distance relationship because he knew I was a blessing from God. Most want me to download hangouts.

      1. Sue Avatar

        I have had 100+ of these scammers try to get me. When they ask what I’m doing I say I’m in Vegas gambling but I can afford it because I won $24 million in the lottery. Lol! I can tell by their profile pics they’re scammers before they even write me. I got two of them to admit what they’re doing. Nigerians. Teenagers. Both said they needed money for their school exams. Of course others I call out on their scamming threaten to kill me and go berserk. I just block away! A new fake story I’m seeing more of is they work for the UN. Yeah, ok. You are barely literate and you’re a big shot at the UN.

    2. PEL Avatar

      I KNOW! Man, more and more of them. I used to engage a little just to hear their “story”, but now I message right back saying:

      Hello, just to nip it in the bud, I’m not going to communicate other than here. I am not going to use WhatsApp or Hangouts. I’m only on here to play WWF. If your intentions are other than that. I’m not interested.

      One guy blocked me right after that..The next one persisted, until I blocked him.

  12. Ness Avatar

    The same scenario with me and 3 different men chatting on WWF. They all try to get personal information and their grammer is quite suspicious. They come up with some really good words in the game, but have trouble chatting with proper english, though they claim they are from the U.S.
    My big question is, why do they all want to use Hangouts? They keep pushing for me to join them there and chat there. I haven’t because it’s very strange. Does anybody know what this is about?

    1. Sue Avatar

      Because it doesn’t use up their expensive cell phone data.

      1. PEL Avatar

        Ah, that makes sense!

        1. Brenda Avatar

          I’m in 3 games right now w/men claiming to be working on an oil rig, widowed and raising kids alone. Same story for all 3! They’ve all asked me to join hangouts. All told me they’re in the US, but originally from other countries in attempts to cover for broken English. I called 1 guy out and he started asking what the other 2 were saying to me. Trying to pick up pointers on new ways to scam? I refused to answer and he deleted our game. Not just resigned. The games gone. It’s not listed anywhere. How’s that happen?

          1. kat Avatar

            He didn’t just quit, he blocked you.
            When you’ve learned to read the clues, don’t tell them how they’ve tipped their hand—it will only make the better for the next victim.
            Usually when I tell them I will only chat at WWF, they block the game. They will ask for a cell #, email, hangout or whatsapp. When I say no, they keep pushing. I never give in.

    2. Tracey Avatar

      Hangouts has absolutely NO SECURITY! It’s easy for them to hack your phone computer etc and they show you stolen photos so they seem to appear more ‘legitimate ‘ of course we all know they are NOT!! What’s app is fairly safe but I trust no app now after my poor WWF app is now being inundated. It sickens me! First it was Facebook then Instagram and now this WEF. The only game I play with friends n family all over the world!! Remember NO HANGOUTS ITS GOT NO SECURITY AT ALL. Each time you give information they collate it and keep it. Please beware!!!

      1. Tracy Avatar

        Every woman beware of a John Alexander or John Larry . Really goodlooking fella, us navy officer. Kept asking for a steam card, then tried iTunes card. Got really shitty when I refused, persistent. Shame, I could of happily spent my life just looking at him 🙂

    3. Suzann Avatar

      Is he from Galveston? Have a dalmatian dog? 1 sister? Anderson Gsy 009? Anyone had him? Says his name is Andy or last name Greg? Is hangout the same as Google chat?

  13. Claudia Avatar

    I’m flooded with these as well. And they all have the same things in common as you stated. I on the other hand, I’m having fun at their expense, so much so, that they end up blocking me.
    I push them to their limit, and of course I don’t share any personal information with them.
    I’m anticipating what the next one will have in common with the one before. Sometimes I feel like it’s the same person changing aliases and pictures.
    Anyway, beware

    1. Heather Abbott Avatar
      Heather Abbott

      Same here! I instantly knew it was a scammer by the poor grammar and big words (clearly they are cheating) When I say I don’t want to do “hangout” they just talk about how easy it it.
      So many scammers out right now. All of them have lost their wives (mostly during child birth) and have a kid. They are all engineers too!

      I’ve been messing with them too… knowing they are phishing. I had to change my name in settings so they don’t actually track me down. 😬

      1. KAT Avatar

        How do you change your name on WWF? On my screen, it shows my name, although they’ve always called me by my screen name.
        BTW, never ‘nudge’ someone, as it gives them information.

        1. Debra Avatar

          I changed mine to house mouse and have a picture of cute mouse. They still try and hit on me

    2. Kate Avatar

      Ive experiences that too where it’s the same guy but he changes his name every time and I’ve blocked this one several times . Smh 🤦‍♀️

    3. Caroline Avatar

      So many scammers on WWF I play the lightning rounds and I think they find me there. Was wondering about setting up a fb page where everyone could share the names photos etc. I play along with them for a while but eventually call them a scammer and I’m blocked

      1. Kat Avatar

        Go for it! I have a file of over 100 guys that I believe are scammers. Many with the same old story: On contract with the UN in the Middle East or on an oil rig/ship in the ocean. Dead wife (cancer, childbirth, accident), one or two kids, with the nanny or in boarding school while he’s away. Likes to address you as: dear, babe, sweetheart, angel, etc.
        Yes, start a facebook page, I will definitely contribute…..let me know

        1. Connie Avatar

          Sounds like the same one I got. Called me dear, baby, angel, contract with UN in Middle East. UN wasn’t sending their supplies would I go to Walmart and get $200 card and send him. Wife died of breast cancer. He lives in Denver Co. His speech and choice of words didn’t sound like good old USA slang. Lol. He had a good vocabulary, almost too good!

        2. Joyce Avatar

          You’re right on. They hypnotize you with sweet words that most normal men wouldn’t use. They go overboard with the charm. If you’re single or widowed you melt. Remember Satan posed as a snake. It’s hard to resist. After it’s over the woman is broke & afraid to tell her family & wants to die.

      2. Shirley Avatar

        That’s a good ideal

    4. Ann Avatar

      I have been scammed by James Anderson, James Tuscher, Bernard Charles, beware.

      1. Sunflower Girl Avatar

        Bernard Charles is still at it….kept me on the line for an entire year. Very charming, “Christian” haha, and persistent.

  14. Quiltfanatic Avatar

    I’m 75 and married 50 yrs so was quite concerned that a younger engineer whose wife had died in childbirth would be flattering me and giving me his email address. He goes by name of Steven Looney so beware. He claims hes Norwegian and moved to the U.S. when he turned 25. I googled predators on WWF and found this article. You can imagine my surprise although I was laughing like crazy. I wanted to end my game with this guy but didn’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings so I was relieved to find out its a scam and immediately blocked the moron. It was the ” Dear” right off the bat that made my antenna go up. It was inappropriate under the circumstances.

  15. S Avatar

    I play WWF. There’s a man that has been talking to me. He has a lot of photos and a son that is 14 in boarding school. He goes by Thomson Smith. Anyone else had an experience? His screen name is Thomson S on WWF.

    1. Anne mann Avatar
      Anne mann

      I had a picture of myself standing outside with a horse nibbling on my palette – couldn’t really see my face. Didn’t get a lot of game requests. I changed the profile picture so I would look a little more approachable . The very next day I received 7 game requests- all from men. I’ve been chatting for 3weeks with one who has a very creative story but has now sent me his phone # and is requesting mine. What a nice dream they spin for those wish to believe! Do not fall for it. I love playing Words but these predators are just everywhere.

      1. bett Avatar

        Heard this or variations si much it’s like a broken record. Glad u caught on and didn’t lose anything major.. like some poor women. I have a hunch Why they demand quite aggressive to go to Hangouts or other sites. If they wanna get to know me.. were chatting on wwf, So WHY must we leave and go to Hangouts or whatever other place! Anyone know… Can they penetrate our email which is Attd to be our Banks info + and evrything that who r calls everything over the yrs?? Is Hangouts itself Danger once contact is made w these w th we mainly W African ‘professional’ thieves…? Hear Hangouts isn’t secure not sure how. Must be beneficial y they Demand women go there? Ty be safe smart. U only owe ur bills. Sad lies of stories Not a reason to o give them a thing. Even as info.. pets names, location, fave color, family,…it’s a o Occupation maiden name.. nothing Ladies. But when Hangouts? So insecure they can get into our stuff?

      2. Joyce Avatar

        Yes I was on a Bible site & this Captain Gary Johnson creeps in & starts to ask me questions. All the charm & concern about what I’m eating & resting enough. What’s your favorite color. Then he sends pictures. Very handsome & 9 years younger than me. Age is just a number he says! Charmed me for three months. A little voice in the back of my head kept me sane. It was fun but it ended when I told him I had no money! I’m sure he has a following of many woman.

  16. JC Avatar

    I started getting hit with scammers too. Changed my photo to be one of my dogs and scammers have stopped. There are a lot of dogs playing words with friends these days. It is a popular profile picture

    1. AA Avatar

      I’m getting a lot of these on WWF too. The photos always look retouched and the grammar fails. I don’t mind playing if I’m getting points but don’t want to chat with most players, especially scammer bots with fake photos!

    2. Veronica Avatar

      My profile pic is a close-up of my dog’s face. Guys still say “Hi beautiful, let’s chat on google hangouts. It’s safer and more private” when I have told them that I am happily married with kids and have shown no interest in them. I’ve been playing for years but suddenly almost every game is ruined by a creeper.

  17. Carol Avatar

    Had several of these…they are always handsom..having stolen a photo from the internet or social media site. Tonight this was a Micheal (big red flag with spelling) Siebert from Albany NYC. Massive scorer with words I had never heard of and grammar good at first…then the personal questions …then bad grammar (these scammers have an itellegent first writer then pass to another once they engage you in conversation). Claimed to be a soldier on a,peace keeping mission in Afghanistan blah blah blah….just blocked him before he asked for money as I never let them get that far….it is really spoiling th game for me as I usually play with folk I know and only click on strangers to get extra points etc.
    I worry for vulnerable people on the site so am warning thatnifmtheymlook to,good to be true they usuallly are!!

  18. Jean Avatar

    Brixton Cardone. Scammer

  19. Maura NiConnell Avatar
    Maura NiConnell

    Yep! Same old, same old! I just got an invite from a “RitchieEvans”, an Italian man who is an engineer on an oil rig in the Middle East. He told me I’m “adormable” and asked me my marital status. He got mad and disappeared when I told him it was none of his business.

    This is probably the third or fourth time one of these scam artists has propositioned me. Next time, I’m going to string him along.

  20. Nunya Avatar

    Two scammers in a row, similar stories. They usually ask where I’m located. If there are more I will start asking them first and pretend I’m in the same city, ask where they like to eat, shop, etc. Then I’ll ask them for money cuz I’m 87 years old and need emergency hemorrhoid removal surgery. I bet I’ll get blocked after that 😂

    1. Joey Avatar

      LOL! Great reply to use on these creeps!! Still laughing!!

    2. Mary Avatar

      I love this! I may do the same! 🤣🤣🤣

    3. Jacqueline VM Avatar
      Jacqueline VM

      🤩✊🏽 Hilarious

    4. Rita Avatar

      Hi. I’ve only just had a few of these scammers. I laughed so much at your reply I am crying. I’m still laughing now. I love it.

    5. Jan Avatar

      They all seen to be American working in the Army in Afghanistan (latest one William Milton a General no less), sometimes brought up in an orphanage (for the awwww factor), all seem to have lost their wives to cancer (again awww) and all want to go on whatsapp, hangout or facebook so they can look at your beautiful photos. I reverse image search out of interest to see how many times the photo has been used in the scam (Milton was 66). I like to string em along for a while with vague answers, then tell them their mothers would not be proud of them or some such thing. Sadly there will always be someone out there who is taken in.

    6. Jan Avatar

      I like your style! Think I’ll do the same…

    7. Marie Klempay Avatar
      Marie Klempay

      Awesome!! I have the rejection hotline phone number, so when asked, that’s what I give them, then I wait, in usually less then 10 minutes, the game is over, and I am blocked!!

  21. concerned daughter Avatar
    concerned daughter

    Same story for my mother of 82. Guys name is Robert Brown. Says he has a place in Chicago but owns a business in Brussels. He plays on Wordchums. Anyone come across this guy?

  22. M Avatar

    I have 5 of these scammers going on right now… It is fun to mess with them… Yes I m married with 3 husbands and 11 kids

    1. Jacqueline VM Avatar
      Jacqueline VM

      😂😂😂 Too funny

  23. Barb Avatar

    Now they are refunding WWF players through Pintrest……

  24. Sharon Avatar

    I run into several a day on WWF. Play along for a bit..feeding false info. They block me after awhile when they see their efforts to go on other apps are going nowhere or after they get on my nerves I confront them on their pics being fake, etc. Can be entertaining some days when bored. They all are engineers working offshore and have a child because wife died tragically.

  25. Sharon Gardner Avatar

    In the last two weeks, I have been hit on by an engineer, two oil rig workers, a surgeon and a four star general.

    1. Mary Avatar

      My friend just met the 4 star general! We got a good laugh out of that one!

      1. Kate Avatar

        I got the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – you think he’d be a little busy for Words…And what’s with all of these deaths in childbirth?? Lol…

        1. Donna Avatar

          Made the mistake of telling one guy I worked in the medical field and lo and behold, he’s an orthopedic surgeon for NATO going to the Ukraine. His wife and eldest daughter got killed in a robbery and its just him and his 14 yr old son who will be going to boarding school. Just playing with him now to see how long it takes for him to dump me. Doesn’t last more than a week usually.

          1. MJ Avatar

            What was his name? Sounds very much like Ronniemark…only he is in Kandahar and his 14 year old lives with his aunt

    2. J Avatar

      I have encountered three US Army generals so far. The first two disappeared when I called him out on it. The third one goes only by the name “Jacob,“ but he’s using a picture of four-star general Stephen Townsend. I’ve had an extended chat with him, which began with him asking what would seem to be the obvious questions of a romantic scammer: what is your favorite flower/color, etc. when I called him by General Townsend‘s name, he seem shocked. (How did you know my real name?!?) He wanted to keep the charade going, so I let him. I get the sense that he actually is in Iraq on a US military base. Really not sure what he’s after. But it certainly entertaining.

  26. Jean McNamara Avatar

    Am getting this more and more on Words. I would never give out personal information. Now I play the game and the scammer. Give them false information. Play them until the end of the game then block them. If they ask my occupation am always a Cyber Security Agent 😂

  27. Donna Ord Avatar
    Donna Ord

    I have had loads of them lately and they get quite nasty when you dont give information It’s a shame I love the game but it seems to be every man on there

  28. Sek Avatar

    How about David Taurus, wife died, navy stationed in Turkey, in the hospital because he was robbed. Needed I tune cards lololo. And another at the same time named Charles Martinez , works for the UN and is in Jordan helping people. Now he disappeared after I marked David as a fraud.

  29. Sek Avatar

    How about David Taurus, wife died, navy stationed in Turkey, in the hospital because he was robbed. Needed I tune cards lololo. And another at the same time named Charles Martinez , works for the UN and is in Jordan helping people. Now he disappeared after I marked David as a fraud.

  30. Janet dixon Avatar

    I’ve had numerous scammers, exactly same experiences as everyone else. I also amuse myself by telling them all sorts of rubbish, one just sent me a pre written script about his tragic life (strange how this verse and chapter is all ready to go in seconds no one could type that fast !) and how he’s still looking for someone special …blah blah bloody blah, I got so fed up with it I ended up telling him to do one (well a bit more colourful than that!) as I’m well aware he’s scamming, turned very nasty knowing he’d been rumbled. He was wearing army fatigue with a tin hat, looked like something out of Good Morning Vietnam 🤣

  31. Chris Turner Avatar
    Chris Turner

    Yep my wife has been getting loads , similar story. Worst thing is they are crap players !

  32. KK Avatar

    I was also approached by three different men on WWF. Derek Kess, George Derrick (who now goes by George) and Larry Thomas. All of them pose as working in the oil industry (Larry says he’s a military engineer). Derek said his wife died in a horrific car crash and he has a son in boarding school in Florida. Both Derek and George wanted to go to google hangouts very quickly and professed their love very quickly. Larry wanted my phone number and said that he meant me no harm. I didn’t provide it. George said that he was divorced and had a 14 yr. old son. The picture he has posted of himself was stolen from Instagram and is of a very handsome male model/makeup artist. All of them type in very broken English. I probably provided too much info, but never sent itunes card or amazon gift cards. Wasn’t sure why George wanted to know how tall I was. I’m going through the precautions of protecting myself just in case. However, I don’t believe that I ever said enough to warrant any concern. Reported them to Zynga, but they’ve done virtually nothing to block them from WWF even though they are aware that the photo of George belongs to someone else.

    1. nunya Avatar

      Thanks for the warning. I was just approached by one of them on TikTok!

  33. Sandy Jones Avatar
    Sandy Jones

    Yes I have been getting the same . Quite a few blokes asked me to play same old story their wives had died . One bloke told me his wife had died and now that we are playing words , he said I had to be truthful with him , I must not tell him any lies and I had to do what he said……well red rag to a bull telling me that 😂 I told him where to go in some very strong language 😂 and blocked him . Blocked the lot of them .

  34. Sandra Jones Avatar
    Sandra Jones

    Yes same thing here men asking me to play then getting questioned by them . Telling me the same thing their wives have died and they have kids . So I block then right away . One told me now that we are friends on words I had to tell him the truth and not lie to him and that I had to do as he told me , well that’s like a red rag to a bull to me , told him where to go in a very colourful way .

  35. Kathy Avatar

    Right now I have about 6 of these. One of them is playing very big words and has already expressed a desire to come and marry me once his contract is up in a few months! I love playing WWF, but it is so funny when they immediately come up with their back stories (all of them were widowers, save for one divorce), they have either a child or a grandchild they are raising alone, and are looking for friendly companionship. I get a new one challenging me to play almost every day. The funniest was when I was asked if I was married. I told him yes. Then he insisted, “Are you happily married?” I replied, “Why be married if not happily?” He resigned the game. Such a shame (not).

  36. Lisa Avatar

    BEWARE – “Chen Sui” is scammer.

  37. Crystalyn B Avatar
    Crystalyn B

    Countless unfinished games because once they find out I’m a happily married housewife who won’t follow them to Google Hangouts, they just stop playing.
    V annoying.

    1. Tina Hou Avatar
      Tina Hou

      Just block them and they leave your screen no win or loss recorded.

    2. Jan Avatar

      Do you report as abuse – name impersonation?

  38. Susan Bruce Wood Avatar
    Susan Bruce Wood

    im fascinated by this phenomenon. I get one or two a day. Always the same basic script- new player from the US with a handsome photo, lousy players, all over the schmooze chat, get defensive or mad if you don’t answer their questions, always say they just want to be friends when I say I am married, always the same story- tragically widowed or divorced with a kid, they are usually engineers, oil rig workers, or lately the big thing seems to be military. Often red flags- the name isn’t exactly the same as the profile, or the english is clearly google translate. When I refuse to go to hangout or give them my gmail, they disappear without finishing the game. How do they learn it? Do they pay some ring for the scripts and lists of players to target? It has to be somewhat organized for them to have the same modus opperendus. I like playing new players, and have made many words with friends friends through player of the day or being the player of the day, but this is a constant annoyance.

  39. Carrie Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this information. I got several of them all at once and all wanting to talk. Same weird way of talking. Hello. Nice meeting you here. How are you doing? Yuk! I didn’t want to be mean to anyone but it was all very suspicious with their dates joined all between May and July of 2019 yet their skill was very good. Armed with the knowledge of what has been shared here, I just blocked them all mid game and changed my profile pic. Hopefully that fixes it.

  40. Lydia Avatar

    Ive also had the same from creepy guys. But has anyone had a sad widow story from a woman? I thought this woman was genuine, but now I’m doubting.

  41. Jeannie Pluta Perelli Avatar
    Jeannie Pluta Perelli

    I played WWF with Nicolas Aleksandra from August 2017 to approx. April 2018. He scammed me out of a little over $200,000. I stopped sending money in January 2018 and after many of his tries, I refused to send more money. Shortly after, he stopped playing WWF with me. Today (7/23/19) he is number 90 on the Leaderboard. He has too many games going and cannot accept new games. I have reported him to the FBI and Federal Trade Commission. I am almost certain he is a Nigerian scammer. He told me he was from Poland and Vienna, Virginia. He needs to be stopped. I love Words With Friends but he has left bad memories.

    1. Tina hou Avatar
      Tina hou

      I’m so sorry to hear that! It’s easy to get caught up in that business! Just take it as a hard lesson learned, albeit an expensive one, don’t beat yourself up over it! It happens every single day to someone. Probably every minute of every day. Again, I’m so sorry that happened to you.

      1. Sabrina Avatar

        Yes! I’ve been talking to him now for the last couple of weeks. He lays it on thick implying he’s in love. Hasn’t asked for money yet but I’m sure that will eventually come.

    2. K Dougan Avatar
      K Dougan

      Thank you for posting this. I was scammed out of $70,000 over the course of a year. I really thought I was smarter than that. I resisted for a long time, but he had the most chocolately voice! I don’t understand how someone can sound so sincere and just hurt people and take advantage of them.
      All I hope for now is that karma comes back & bites them

      1. Ann Avatar

        I had the same thing happen to me, beware I James Anderson,James Tuscher, Bernard Charles.

  42. Adora Avatar

    I have been playing WWF since I have been on FB, so over 8 years. Did not have a clue about the chatting until recently. Most would not play me if I would not chat so I started to chat just to have a games to play with others. Almost immediately after chatting I started getting those creepy guys, literally daily. Had to separate my FB acct from WWF and also changed my pic and profile. To this day I get a scammer EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is exhausting honestly trying to sort out who is a real person and who is not. It makes me want to leave the game but it makes me mad because these losers win and keep playing WWF and go on to other victims. I never fell victim to any of them and rarely give out anything personal. I found checking their profile if they are legit they have played the game much, much longer and also have a FB account you can find easily. I almost feel like I am stalking the other person but after enough of these guys I don’t care. I would rather look like a stalker than get harassed on a game I just want to play for fun.

  43. Hope Larsen Avatar
    Hope Larsen

    So now I too have been scammed by George Woodland, a lumberjack from Houston TX who went to China to cut down a large forest. A widower because his wife was shot in an armed robbery and died on the way to the hospital. 2 kids, 12 and 15. Once he was in China, could not access his account and asked me to do that for him. He had already declared me to be “the love of his life”. I am 87, he 60. After he was in China he sent me pictures of (supposedly) him working but unrecognizable by protective gear. 6 crew members were there with him? When they were almost finished with the job, there was a fire and a picture showed a tractor burning. One of the crew were killed. And it just got better and better. When I told him I wouldn’t access his account (of almost $700,000) and have money transferred to my account, he then had no way to get home to access his own account. Guess he must still be there because I didn’t do that so now I haven’t heard anything in 24+ hours and I guess he knows I know he doesn’t exist, but he gave me a run for my money and I had fun while it was happening. Guess it takes all kinds of people! And I plan to find my “fun” somewhere else.

    1. Jenny Avatar

      Me to Alex Collins shipping contractor from New York. New he was a scammer from the get go, played along with it for 3weeks, really enjoyed telling him that I told as many lies as him. He was none to pleased. Actually said I had wasted his time, exactly what I intended.

  44. Pam Avatar

    One of these scammers asked for my phone number. I told him I didn’t have a phone. He asked what phone I was playing on. I said my husbands phone. He asked why I didn’t ask my husband to buy me one. I said my husband wouldn’t so would “he” send me money to get one? At least he laughed, but that was the end of that.

    1. Tina Avatar

      Has anyone dealt with a Michael jones ? He claims to be working on an oil rig in Mexico and after 2 weeks of chatting asked for a stream card for internet

  45. elis Avatar

    8.8.19 Grew Owen and David Craig, same Story….one Marine Engineer from Boston Massachussettes, son named Tyler, the other one, Petrochemical engineer from Atlanta Georgia, Daughter called Annie…both widow, working offshore….beware!

  46. Julie Avatar

    I’ve been playing with a scammer who calls himself Alex Normal. We’ve been chatting for quite some time and he finally showed his true colors He’s working in Germany and needs me to get him a $500.00 Amazon gift card because his machine is broken. He’s been romancing me and is actually very good. I told him upfront that I suspected he was a scammer and he said he was badly hurt at the accusation. I resigned from our game and that’s that. But he really had me going for a while

  47. Amanda Avatar

    I had a lot of these scammers, every day it seemed. You can stop it by changing your gender to male and putting a non female picture, your dog, something else you like. I have Jon Snow from Game of Thrones. Haven’t had another one since.

    1. Marianne Avatar

      I started getting a lot of these about 2 weeks ago. My profile picture was the Betsy Ross flag. As soon as I said I’m married a lot of them stop playing but one I’ve still been chatting with, just to see how far it goes. He’s in Gaza on an oil rig with a son in boarding school in Boston. Ha! Like I really believe that. And he’s originally from Germany.

      1. Jane Avatar

        Ha .. did he call you ‘my Queen’

  48. M. Cee Avatar
    M. Cee

    Just this week I’ve had 2 of these types send wwf games to me. When they try to start a conversation I do not waste time talking to them. I have blocked both of them and made it so people I don’t know can’t start games with me. So far it’s working.

  49. Sharon Avatar

    FYI for Word with Friends 2 players,
    I was recently playing games with Melvin Paul (melvinpaul945) and James Morrison (rolexmorrison9090). Sure enough, after a few games they chatted with me. Weather, how I am, my name, where I live, etc. I think they had the same script lol. Finally I replied, “I’m not comfortable sharing my personal info with strangers”. I must have scared them away, because they both disappeared soon after haha.

  50. Cintia Avatar

    I had an Ever James reach out to me very handsome pic, engineer father was German mother from Ohio, sent me several pics after I asked him if he was cat fishing me got upset then sent me a generic video of him self he sounded Australian, then proceeded to send me a bed time pic, and said he loved me after 3 hrs. I did a image recognition search on google and it was an Instagram pic. He stated he didn’t have social media just hangout. I blocked him.

  51. Lee Avatar

    Sometimes I flip the script on them and immediately ask for money. Lol. Other times I say I’m a disabled person or a student or barista or whatever. Depending upon my mood. Love it when they disappear. I feel validated. Haha.

  52. Rita Avatar

    Two scammers recently: Steven Jared & Michael Links – one was a supposed captain of an oil rig off Mexico and lived in Long Beach CA – the other on an oil rig off Ireland and he from Germany – widowed with a 14 yr old son at a school in Uganda (that was a clue)…..

  53. Alison Avatar

    Xmx Patterson on WWF is one of these despicable people. After a few weeks of talking to him my friend discovered this. He is using Steffo Tornquist’s photos to lure you

  54. Judy Avatar

    I told one guy I lived in “the southern U.S.”. He said he had been to the southern US before. It was beautiful and people were very nice. Then said he lives in Houston TX. I asked how the weather was and he said it was cool (it was 90 deg). 😂.

  55. Babette TG Avatar
    Babette TG

    I currently have 3 men hitting me up. The funny thing is that they all ask the same questions.
    One particular man hit me up bit me up again after i blocked him. He claimed to be a Neurosurgeon doing Missionary work in S. Africa but has just been transferred to Somalia. The other two are both engineers, both born from another country but were raised in the US by foster parents. I do not five out any, however. I did say they all seemed very familiar and had spoken to me before but uses different profiles. You can tell by their game history, badges earned and time frame. They try to be as slick. But for those that may fall for thus scheme, please])990 conversations!

  56. Lyn Avatar

    Today I realised Upwords is now also being targeted by these guys. Mine was named SullivanJohn, engineer on an oil rig, wife died of cancer, daughter died in car accident and bringing up 8 year old granddaughter. Also about to retire and getting huge payout.
    Today I got a challenge from Duranwa. When I checked his stats he had never played a single game before yet first off the bat he decides to challenge a top 30 player? I don’t think so! Just deleted the game and changed my profile pic to my dogs. These creeps are ruining all the games.

  57. Bella Avatar

    I had a guy named Ryan Lucas who’d make 2 letter words for 2-3 points ask if I “knew the word Forex” he disappeared after I asked if “he knew he had 7 letters to use”. lol

  58. Ronerto8668 Avatar

    Had a woman ask me how my work was going when we never had previous conversations. Then there were other odd questions. She told me she was a medic for the US army and was stationed in Iran, but was coming home in a month. Kind of odd. Now I’m getting all these women inviting me for games but they have odd profiles…if I play a game with them there is no history recorded. Their average game scores are relatively high but they all make boneheaded moves which are not consistent with their scores. Am I being paranoid? As soon as I tried to quit a game with one, I get an invite from another. I’m suspicious because I’m not really all that popular!!

  59. Annie Avatar

    Anybody chat with John Welles? Same MO. In Afghanistan, Marine, divorced, wife cheated, left and didn’t look back, daughter in GA boarding school with Nanny at 17! Done!A

  60. Mand Avatar

    Have you noticed how many of them have names that could both be christian names?
    They persist and the English is appalling .

    I’ve told them I have 9 children and changed my profile picture and still they keep on asking for my phone number

  61. KT Avatar

    I got a female scammer yesterday….. Pic looked attractive (by design black crop top, low cut, blonde, mirror selfie- in case someone comes across her), but she started chatting. I answered one, but usually dont pay attention to chat and after a few days she resigned. Yesterday I started a new game, she resigned right away…….Her name on her profile was unusual, but I cannot recall what it was. I went today to find it, but I believe she/they blocked me, because I cannot find it…..She asked right away what I did for a living, and where I lived. (response- in WITSEC and somewhere CONUS)

  62. Kiki Avatar

    I am so relieved to find this thread! I’ve had these guys bugging me for years! I thought they were pervs so end up blocking them. Other times I’ve pretended that I’m a man – that really messes with them! My profile pic used to be me and my husband, but that didn’t stop them. I finally changed it to a picture of a plant – that slowed them down, but I still get a new one every week or 2 – it used to be almost daily. One just started a game with me yesterday, Curdias9. WWF has a new feature, “mute conversation,” so I just did that with him. My guess is he’ll resign the game and block me. It always starts the same, innocently asking how I am, then where do I live. I right away say I don’t give out personal info, then they get pissy and resign, or I get annoyed and block them. Out of all the men who have started games with me, only 3 have been decent (human) guys. The only messages we exchange are “good game!” or “you stole my move!” But it’s exhausting sifting through the scammers.

  63. Heidi Avatar

    Anyone have a guy named Davis Anderson? He’s talking to my now and Im playing along, its been 6 weeks and not asked for any personal info or money, how long will this go on? Says he’s in love with me and want to come see me but wont FaceTime or fb message me. He wants to marry me and be a step mother to his son.

    1. Regina Thibodeaux Avatar
      Regina Thibodeaux

      Yes so tired off fakers. there is an Anderson from California trying to get me to call him or talk to him. Nice looking. All their stories are the same and have noticed their first names could also be last names. Like William Paul, James David, John David, Bernard Edgar, William Michaels, Their story is all the same, and it aggravating and scary. Zynga needs to know. . I tell these guys I am married, broke, 6 kids. Or I tell them I don’t chat with strangers. Right now i have 10 of these men wanting to chat. I like this game for yrs. Relatives and i play. There is a way to not get messages, but i chat with 3 people i know. Be careful all

      1. Laury Woods Avatar
        Laury Woods

        William Paul has over 50 pictures on the internet, some explicit. Definitely a scammer. Blocked him.

    2. Justin Avatar

      Still talking to the same guy? Curious to know the outcome

  64. Wendy Avatar

    I am so happy for all the posting on here. I came searching because I had two different profiles asked me for my google hang out profile. This happen with a first guy that I stop playing and then another profile asked me within a two week period. It was a red flag because I am not that cute. Lol lol. 😆😆😂🤣

    1. Donna Avatar

      Im wondering why they insist on getting a gmail address. When I tell them I don’t use gmail, they insist I get one right away. Maybe google account is not so secure and they can get banking info from it.

  65. Violet Avatar

    Yup, I verify this. I assumed it was a bot/Ai based on responses. I also have been also getting friend requests on Facebook from “military” widowed men. I must have hit an age where they think I will fall for this garbage. I don’t add the friend requests, but it’s hilarious how similar the accounts are and random pictures they find of these men.

  66. Justin Avatar

    Do any males get girls doing this too? This random Bmary11122 just started playing and messaging me. Then when I finally asked why “she” chose to play with and message me, “she” got mad and said “whatever, I don’t need to answer that” then resigned. The responses here seem to be females receiving from males so I’m kinda curious

    1. AL Avatar

      Three women have started games with me. One deployed overseas, one from TX (says UK on the profile) and I’m not sure where the other is from. Two have asked to communicate outside of the game i.e. Hangouts and want to share pics and conversation.
      Their typos and repetitious inquiries are consistent throughout our conversations, along with the “You there?”, when I don’t respond right away.
      I’ll see how these play out; as a sidebar, my average points per word has increased because I had to “up my game” because they have been beating handily. Lol.

  67. Ami B Sullivan Avatar

    I allow them to think they have my undivided attention and when they ask me what I do for a living I tell them that I work for the government. That I work on the internet to protect women from fraud and scammers. I tell them that through a satellite I can find their IP address and locate them. Then I say GOT YOU! they jump off as soon as they read that. I just wish I could see their faces as they read it. LOL. Of course before I send that final message I report then on WWF. I feel like as I waste their time it keeps them from scamming other people. You can always tell it’s a scammer by the photo they use or the date they started playing. Because they turn over so fast the date is very recent. Also see how many languages they play. Most have multiple languages. Just be very cautious to never give them real info about yourself. Once I told one guy that I was a widow. He asked how my husband died and I said I shot him when I discovered he was an internet scammer. I crack myself up!

    1. Karen Avatar

      Lol! Good one. I am going to remember this.

    2. Joyce Avatar

      This is so entertaining, I laugh so hard but there are hurting women out there suffering because they gave them everything they had. We have to fight this by exposing them on every site.

  68. Wendy Avatar

    Beware: Nicolas Alejandro, Stanley Gray (Stanleygray545), Ryan Smith (Ryansmith00009). They may all be the same guy!

  69. Deb A Avatar
    Deb A

    I get requests on WWF all of the time. They are always:

    — Good looking (obviously fake)
    — From Europe but who now live in the USA
    — Widowers with at least one kid
    — Ask weird questions
    (One guy asked me what my favorite color is. Are we in third grade?)
    — Want me to go to Google Hangouts.

    When I decline they disappear forever.

    Next time I am going to say “lemme guess, you’re a widower from Europe but now live in the states. Your wife died tragically and now you are a single dad. And you want me to go to Google Hangouts” just to see what they will say.

  70. L Avatar

    Here is another clown!
    Petter Snow. Supposedly a “trauma and orthopedic doctor”. I’m a nurse and know that’s not how English speaking physicians speak. He was suggesting google hangouts. Supposedly a single father with a daughter. Originally said he was from Arkansas but now in Africa on British mission trip. After seeing these posts and seeing the similarities I looked at how he wrote. The way he spoke made me suspicious- so I asked where he learned English cuz “ his diction was amazing”. Then he said he was from Poland. Still asking him questions that he never seems to answer. What a weasel! Not sure how long I’m gonna string him along but it sure is cracking me up!!

    1. Kat Avatar

      Amazingly, I have had no less than TEN orthopedic surgeons invite me to play WWF.
      Recently, I had a scammer pretending to be ‘Dr David Samadi’, who happens to be quite famous and on the east coast. So be wary of any scammers claiming to be doctors, even real ones. Google their name, do an image search of their pic—see if what they say matches the info on Google.

  71. L Avatar

    2 more clowns – Frank Scott, who sends you poems and prayers. Also a petro chemical engineer. And Petter( yes dumbass can’t spell Peter right!) Snow ( GOT- or what??) who’s “ a trauma and orthopedic doctor’. Wants to go on google hangout to “ get to know each other and talk more about our feelings”. Give me a break! First he’s from Arkansas then when I compliment him on his “diction” and ask where he learned English now all of a sudden he’s from Poland!! Nice looking guy in the pic- I’ll give them that!! Beware

  72. Terri Avatar

    I’ve had over 50 men with the exact same statements and questions your mom received .
    I like playing the game. It’s sad these guys are scammers and fake.(which I knew after my first message from a man.
    I started a few conversations just to see telling them I know you’re gong to tell me you work over seas as an oil digger, etc
    They all say the same thing!!
    As soon as I told them I work for the FBI, they stopped chatting! Good!!

  73. Alison Avatar

    Beware JamesMason 147
    Same story , engineer , raising 14 year old daughter . Wife in Switzerland remarried . Headed to Turkey to mine diamonds . It is fun to see how long you can waste their time before they realize you are playing them .
    They will text for hours trying to build this new true love relationship.

  74. Carrie D. Avatar
    Carrie D.

    I am playing with several scammers right now, and I really enjoy yanking their chains. I make up all kinds of wild stories and just have a lot of fun. It was very agitating at first, but once I started playing along, I really started looking forward to it.

  75. Susan Nichols Avatar

    Has anyone had one called Jake? Supposed to be living in San Antonio in Texas. Wife died a year ago, 15 year old daughter and working as a petrochemical engineer? I was totally scammed by him.

  76. Graham Ormiston Avatar
    Graham Ormiston

    Have a young lady sending photos Becky Hickson they all seem to have a similar story. She is American but living in Berlin looking after her frail mother. She tells me she is in Dublin just now to pick up her gold inheritance. I am waiting for the punch line of how much she needs from me. Does anyone else hear this name or this story.

  77. Harlan Jordan Avatar
    Harlan Jordan

    Is there anything I can do if I did fall for not one but two of these scams? I am living with shame and embarrassment now and feel like a loser for falling for these scams. In the first one, someone claiming to be a woman named Alice was very friendly to me and started asking for gift cards and more. She said she had diamonds in England and wanted them shipped to the US to make us “rich”. I am such an idiot for believing this. Oh my god I took out two bank loans totaling $30,000 and then discovered it was a scam. I live with embarrassment and shame now. In the second one, someone claimed to be a woman who was a forex trader investing in bitcoin. “She” persuaded me to invest, which cost me around $8,000 and then I discovered this was a scam. I was weak and now I am a broken man. I should never have fallen for these. I am at a loss for what to do. My life is over. I am married and have three children. I never wanted this to happen. Can I sue Words With Friends?

    1. Harlan Jordan Avatar
      Harlan Jordan

      I have since deleted Words With Friends and do not trust people. My goal is to recoup the money I lost. I believe that Words With Friends is liable for damages for allowing these money scamming degenerates on there site. I want to sue Words With Friends. How do I do this?

  78. Ced Avatar

    It’s funny that the person was from Spartanburg, I live in Spartanburg (im not a scammer) .

  79. Paul Avatar

    Not sure if this has been mentioned. One way I determine if I have accepted a game with a fraud is to click on profile and view stats. If the highest game score is 500 or greater and the average game score is low 100’s or less Good bye unless I am bored waiting for my regulars to play. My theory is that they have had many games resigned on them. I as a guy never message anyone first especially after hearing the stories from my regulars. I typically only play with women and I almost never start the new games.

    “ Hello nice playing words with you, hope to play more with you”. I got this tonight from another guy Who says that ? Dork or fraud

    WWF. Words With Freaks. Not all of you 😊

  80. Sabrina Avatar

    There is a guy named Christopher Gilbert that is a scammer. He is supposedly from Berlin, is an Engineer and has a daughter that is 17 in boarding school. He now lives in DC. His wife died from cancer several years ago. Asks way too many personal questions. Wants to chat on different apps and wants to text and send pics. Please do not give this man any private info. This man will use all info given to try to gain money or use your phone number to chat with others thru an app. Very unsafe.

  81. Kim Haderer Avatar
    Kim Haderer

    Everyone beware of
    E D W A R D. H. A L E X I S

    He is disgustingly good at scamming.
    I am ashamed that I could fall for such TRASH

    1. Mogs Avatar

      Here’s another couple of names for the look out collection:
      Edward-matson: US army-divorced-caught wife cheating-single for 15 years. Caught him out quite easily-I asked him what the time was where he was and he gave me local time in Africa…
      Last week he was transferred to Yemen. Two days later he was in Yaman..
      Another one is Edward Harvey: divorced with two kids -oil rig worker who also deals in foreign exchange.. He’s getting a bit shitty as I won’t change my profile pic to my face rather than my dogs!!
      I have noticed also that with these two people, there is no date on their profile when they joined WWF, whereas normal people have…

  82. Peggy Sollenberger Avatar
    Peggy Sollenberger

    I am tired of getting letters to play like
    eeriilo or qcdghtp which cause us to lose our points by ecchsning for new letters which are just as bad. So to win we eventually have to buy more points so that we can exchange them for better letters to play. And when we accomplish the goals set to win a box we get 1 or 2 points and a blue teardrop ……is That ALL we get?? Come on now!! A 50 point word and we may get as many as 3 points(coins)! Big Deal!! You just want us to buy more credits from you. You aren’t giving us a chance with letters that always need to be swapped. It didn’t use to be this bad. Please Stop doing this to all of us!!!!!!!!!!
    I would hate to quit. Why can’t you make your players happy??

  83. Maria Avatar

    Beware of Nickolas Howard. A petroleum engineer whose wife died, from England but lives in Alabama now. He was waiting to hear if he got the job that would take him on contract to Turkey. I caught on within a few days.. Total smooth talker, well at least in the afternoon and evening… Morning not so much.. It felt like I was talking to several different people. Until I figured it out.. I decided to call him out and ask to video chat since he was falling for me, wouldn’t you want to chat immediately with the love of your life??? Not this guy… lol! It was fun while it lasted, but I blocked his ass. After reading all these scenarios, I am so glad I followed my gut.

  84. Beth Joh Avatar
    Beth Joh

    I’m nice, and I’ve made friends that I’ve played with for years. So, when I was first approached with a chat, I answered back. It didn’t take long for me to figure out the guy was a nut. He asked me to marry him the next day! I blocked him, and when it happened the next time I had assumed the first guy was a solitary case. Well, the second guy started saying the exact same things the first guy did! ‘My favorite colors are red and white…. red for love… white for purity…’. At that moment I knew it was another scammer. Since, it seems like it happens all the time. Is there a script for this stuff? Great info from everyone. I can’t wait to use the FBI line!

    1. Marie Klempay Avatar
      Marie Klempay

      OMG, I get that all the time, my favorite colors are red and white, and that makes pink, which stands for a pure heart. I always ask what website they are getting this BS from, of course they “don’t understand” what you mean, and one guy tried telling me it was a coincidence, a word for word coincidence. LOL, I also love to mess with them. When they ask for my phone number, they get one—to the rejection hotline!!

  85. Deborah L Avatar
    Deborah L

    Anyone had any dealings with Michael Hansen, originally from Norway has lived in US for many years. Doing contract work on oil rig down by Gulf. Some machine broke, can’t afford to get tech out to fix it, so him and his crew are stuck there. Also one of his workers killed himself by jumping of the rig. met on WWF

    1. Sabrina Avatar

      Yes! I’ve been talking to him now for the last couple of weeks. He lays it on thick implying he’s in love. Hasn’t asked for money yet but I’m sure that will eventually come.

      1. Chris Avatar

        Hi, got in on Academic Singles. Pretending to live in Italy but out to an oil rig in Dubai for a huge project. Claims to me from Denmark but moved to Toronto once 16th with the family. Widowed, one girl 22 Stephanie living in Toronto. Understood I was searching infos on him, has sent “by mistake” a message with copy of passport (which says he’s born in Toronto). Loving, wants to build a family. Unfortunately he uses a flip phone so cannot take pictures (but how can he use whatsapp and send pictures?) nor can he make facetime calls or else (also because the rig had been attacked by pirates in the past so no localisation possible LOL). Has an american phone number from Texas belonging to a lady EJD (you can use reverse search on catfish). Didn’t have the time to ask for money, got him before he could even ask for. Beware.

  86. Mel Avatar

    I have had this same story from Charles Boyer … I knew immediately it was a scam. I hadn’t askescany questions of him but he told me his life story. I have reported him as a scammer. Does anything actually happen to these profiles when they get reported?

    1. Karen Avatar

      I thought he had been dead for years. LOL!

  87. Mel Avatar

    I’ve also noticed these types of messages come when you have been playing lighting rounds…. I guess they sit and wait for players and then set up games with people they think they can scam

  88. Mary C Avatar
    Mary C

    I’ve had a few oil rig guys and civil engineers that have tried this crap. I lead them on then have some fun. I let them profess their love and make them think I am into them. Then when they ask for things or money tell them that I know all about what they are doing and hope I wasted their time. There’s a Peter Johnson in Boston, Jeremy Scott from Florida, Kelly G Roland from Greece but lives in TX. William Mark from Florida. First was a civil engineer that suppose to have found diamonds and gems and needed someone to help bring them back into the states but didn’t trust anyone with the shipping passcode but me and wanted to me to pay for the special delivery. The others are Oil rig supervisors or project managers. Needed some kind of card to stay online and have the phone working. Also they ask for bitcoins. Was also asked to help with a family member that was going to get kicked out of their home if I didn’t come up with 500. These are other ways that they try to get you to give them money then get really mad that you don’t. They love you and don’t understand why you can’t help.

  89. Carolyn williamson Avatar
    Carolyn williamson

    I am currently talking to 5 of them. 1 did call he was from sweden. Fredrick Andrew’s. Another jonathon tager has a son 14 works on oil rig. He has asked for money. Iafter talking over month I straight up told him that’s a big turn off. . Terrence o’shaughnessy general in air force. Never asked for anything I know its not actualky him him. And harry smith. Havent asked for anything. I decided to talk to all of these. After them saying their speeches. They say. I like talking to you. You are different then others. Abd not to chat to ppl on there it’s not safe. I go oh ok but I’m talking to you. and now conversations are civil and nice. Oh also a son of one but that one dont msg much. there are others, but I just say no dont think I want to chat and they resign. then I’ told 1 guy I think everyone is same guy just using different names. They resign. All are 56. 57 years old and going to retire and wants me to move in with them. They even have pet names for me now lol. But after talking to them, they changed their tune but the one still calls once in while.

  90. Joanne Avatar

    I was playing with a Gary Tellier. Said he was an investment broker with Mineroptions and sold bitcoins. After 4 months I invested 700$ with him. Wanted to get out. He said all in I had 1200$. He stopped communicating when I wanted out. I lost 700$

  91. Diane Avatar

    Anyone played with Hyten Fitzgerald? He claims to be from Ireland and currently in Yemen. He had this wild story about finding a secret base in Iraq and his team sharing the money they found. He said he left it in Iraq but needs to get it out of there. He wanted me to accept delivery of this box. When I said no, he asked for a $200 iTunes gift card and then a $100gift card. We had so much fun stringing him along!

  92. The killa Avatar
    The killa or aka another one my mom was scammed by!

  93. Larry Avatar

    I play a few people who use stock images for their profile, easily verified with There is no chatting between us, but I suspect that Words with friend uses bots to keep you playing as much as possible.

  94. Angela Avatar

    Oh my goodness. I thought I was alone on this issue. I had a guy Kennedy Derek said he was from Germany living in Florida. Working as a road and bridge engineer on a contract in Russia. Widow with 2 kids. When I told him he was a fake he said I was accusing him of being “a goal digger” I really knew then he was a flake…He sent fake pictures through WhatsApp. And he actually called me on the app. His voice didnt have a german accent. He asked me for $15000 to help get additional equipment shipped for his project. I reported his info to when I told him I wasn’t sending any money he cussed me out. I had to block him in words with friends and whatsapp. I hope no one else gets hit by this guy.

  95. Rita Avatar

    Hi. I’ve only just had a few of these scammers. I laughed so much at your reply I am crying. I’m still laughing now. I love it.

  96. Jean Avatar

    . Anybody interact with DAVID HEWITT? Checking for a friend who has a similar story. Thanks!

  97. Betty Avatar

    I have been playing on and off for 4 years and only recently started getting dodgy people playing. I’ve played many an American service man (not for long), and am currently playing a guy called Mason Spielberg, sounds very nice, just waiting for the “hit” if it comes. He’s good looking , short grey hair, Brown eyes I think, does he sound familisr, says he’s a marine engineer, wife died in crash, one daughter at school. Do you know him please.

    1. Betty Thompson Avatar
      Betty Thompson

      Update on this,
      Mason Spielberg is using Stephen Neise ID, Stephen is a male model, gorgeous looking, he is genuine, but the Spielberg fella stole pics of the internet , admitted it when challenged. I’ve seen him still using the stolen pic on wwf. Be warned.

  98. Niki Avatar

    How do you reverse image search? I would like to do this.

  99. Niki Avatar

    Has anyone encountered Michael (or Micheal) Shaund? He is a plastic surgeon from Dallas, originally from Italy. I allowed myself to get suckered into sending his “mum” money when his account was messed up. I sent him an Apple gift card after he swore he’d pay me back three days later (a surgeon needs me to buy him an Apple gift card??). And worst of all I was stupid and five phones were ordered on my phone acct. I am smarter than this, but he always knew exactly what to say. The pictures that sends/uses are of a plastic surgeon from Florida. Every single one of them. Let me know if you have been scammed by him too.

    1. Janey Avatar

      I’m not getting these kinds of scammers chatting with me BECAUSE I NEVER play WWF2 with strangers!
      What is wrong with you?! Only play with people you actually know in real life!
      Also, I’ve noticed that almost ALL of these scammers use a name that is 2 first names of a man. For example: Austin Scott, David Owen, William Paul, James David, John David, Bernard Edgar, William Michaels, etc. Did anyone else notice this?
      2 first names. Interesting.

  100. Mary Scott Avatar

    Floyd Gregory, and another, Bryson (first name) and several others. All want hangouts and all fall in love with me, some in hours! I’m in great demand. It’s sad and shameful. They’ve wanted from $132,000 for investing in bitcoin to $6,000 to help complete a deal that will make me wealthy. I lie back to them. Reading these posts has made me feel ashamed because all of the communication gives them more information on how to be convincing to other women. My favorite is Anthony Paulo. He wants $132,000. I like him but know him for a scammer. I’m going to stop. I am ashamed. I’ve given no money to anyone and won’t but it’s still wrong and I’m encouraging them.

  101. Mary scott Avatar

    Please add Bryson teller, SAmuel Caban, and to the scammer list. All same questions, dead or cheating wife and underage children. Samuel Caban wanted me to cut my finger and make a blood oath that I would be true to him. Then asked for $6,000 to complete a business deal to secure our futures. He had 2 fake identities on was Kerry-dean his cousin, leave messages fo me on wwf swearing to Samuels sincerity. Scammers all.

    1. Suzann Avatar

      What about Anderson Gay? Has a dalmatian dog named snow. Lives in Galveston. Going to work on a rig in Scotland by Aberdeen. Has one sister. Email:

  102. Helen Avatar

    Two more names to add: Steven Wilfred and James Smith, same biographies: dead wife, child that doesn’t live with them, engineering bkgd. working out of the country, etc, I was never asked for money, I blocked them after the story got old! I was hit on often soon after but now I just decline. Must of the guys (not all) are scammers.

  103. Helen Avatar

    Please add Barry Smith of Salem Ill., Steven Wilfred of U.S., and James Smith of Springfield, Ma. all engineers and single fathers. There are many others whose names I forgot and once you say you don’t chat, they are gone! They are usually not too good at playing and have just recently started. I have played with other men online who do not insist on chatting and are good competitors. FYI

  104. Tracy Avatar

    Every woman beware of a John Alexander or John Larry . Really goodlooking fella, us navy officer. Kept asking for a steam card, then tried iTunes card. Got really shitty when I refused, persistent. Shame, I could of happily spent my life just looking at him 🙂

  105. Janice Wales Avatar

    So happy to find this site . I all of a sudden got requests on Words from
    , by the photo, very attractive men. This started in February. The requesting to talk was annoying, but did it…. for awhile and caught on. All started out
    “Can we be friends “, and, “ I’m widowed “… etc….

    Then, there was one with a dog picture. So I played with him, and he was very
    Good. Not like he previous 9 that had no clue. His English was perfect.

    Now, He claims to be a German doctor, Military, working in Kandahar, Afghanistan ! Alex Peterson ! Anyone know this one ?
    Connypeterson I is part of his email, which I think was stolen, but can’t find out
    Any info re it…..

    I’m still playing with him, on Hangouts……. and, I swear there are different people
    Texting at various times !

    Alex Peterson !!!! Anyone hear of him?

  106. Janice Wales Avatar
    Janice Wales

    Has anyone come across Alex Peterson ? Claims he’s German, and in
    Kandahar, Afghanistan. A doctor working for NATO.

  107. Anonymous Avatar

    Some of these people are the worst social engineers I have ever met, “where are you playing from?” … “are you married?” … “do you have kids?” … “what do you do?” all most of them are trying to do is scam your personal details, .. I play with them for a while then “fess up” that I’m an IT Cyber Security Specialist lol

  108. Les Avatar

    Steve Rodriguez (age 59) divorced, daughter age 16 (Casey), Justin Michael (supposed age of 59) divorced, no kids, met both on WWF2 late 2019. Both oil rig workers.

  109. Whomever Avatar

    I think these scammers find people in lightening rounds. Look at results on both teams. The pics of men with dogs, In military uniforms, docs in a lab coat (lol!) even creepy face pics — 99% scammers. Most always have a score Of zero and the profile is brand new. Also, some leave the game so that they have an asterisk next to their names and the profile can’t be viewed. They don’t play lightening rounds but find potential victims that way. If you block one, they regenerate. Watch out and NEVER send money no matter what. Do not go to any other site outside of the game. Ever.

  110. Pdragon Avatar

    There seems to be a rash of bit coin investors asking you to invest now. Anyone getting those?

    1. ZWakes Avatar

      Yes, and it was a woman, at least that’s what she said. She chatted nicely for a while until she got into the bitcoin thing. She said she was from Orlando but had no idea what I was talking about when I asked if she had been to Celebration since I was thinking of buying a condo.

  111. ZWakes Avatar

    I got a doozy the other day! Started chatting with all the normal stupid stuff, and then said that he was happily married before, but “along the way my wife got blown up in a gas station fire with my daughter.”

    I hope nobody is falling for these inane stories. Honestly. Get a real job and stop bugging us.

  112. Judi Avatar

    Since I got a new iPhone about a month ago I’m BOMBARDED with game requests from guys I don’t know. One wrote “Thanks for the follow” so I wrote back and asked where he saw I was “following” him and no response. Besides ignoring those you don’t know, look at their stats: Highest score 22 points??? Never won a game??? Huge red flag. I had been playing with one guy–“Martin C.” who claimed to be from Lake Placid. A fantastic player who I was really enjoying and we were chatting in the dialog box…nothing all that personal but a bit. Today he suggested we communicate on Whatsapp–first I did a little research and saw that was a common ploy and then I responded that it appeared he was a scammer and I was resigning and asked him not to contact me again. The game completely disappeared!

  113. NANCY BRALEY Avatar

    And yet another scammer emerges! Christopher Brown (British army). Beware! Claimed to have found a bunch of money while “he and his men were on patrol”. He then needed my address so that he could send it to me for safekeeping. Blah blah.

  114. Mary Schumann Avatar
    Mary Schumann

    Has anyone heard of James Richard or James Richardson? He goes by James Richard in WWF. He claims he is an engineer on an oil rig off the coast of Russia. From Atlanta, GA. Has two girls Alicia-12 and Rennie-6.
    Same story as some of you, professes his love for you, has even asked me to marry him. But, his checking account in Atlanta has been frozen because the previous company he had a contract with went bankrupt due to the Coronavirus, so now he cannot access the money he needs to fix the issues with the rig to continue production. He continues to ask for money with the promise to pay me back when he gets back to the states.

  115. andrea plant Avatar
    andrea plant

    Beware if Hughes Robert and Gavin Eric especially Gavin Eric ( Gavin E)

  116. Denise McMaster Avatar
    Denise McMaster

    A lot of people have mentioned that these scammers DISAPPEAR when confronted or not encouraged. But… no one has said how they get the game we are playing together to DISAPPEAR? I don’t even see a way to do it. Anyone know??

    1. Karebearlsu Avatar

      I was wondering that too. Most of these losers just resign and screw up my stats. The real creepy ones make everything disappear.

  117. Denise McMaster Avatar
    Denise McMaster

    I just posted… I forgot to say the scammer I just dealt with was named Henry Lucas from Atlanta, who says he’s an environmental engineer.

    1. Tony Avatar

      Whats your share of this story, my mother just got scammed by a man with this name and “career”

  118. Sharon K Alexander Avatar
    Sharon K Alexander

    Rechard Anderson on WWF 2 is a Romance Scammer and gets Vulgar when Confronted and That Profile Picture Also came up with Name of David Bryant on WWF2 app.

    1. Sharon K Alexander Avatar
      Sharon K Alexander

      Yes he is

  119. Lucy Smith Avatar
    Lucy Smith

    Has anyone run across James Armstrong who says he works at City College of New York? There is an adjunct professor there by that name , but I just wonder if the profile pic is real. He hasn’t Said anything inappropriate yet, but I am guessing some older guys falsely post Young handsome pictures-yes?

    1. Nickie Avatar

      How about Jeffrey Armstrong?

  120. Margaret Matuszak Avatar

    Steven Cohen, freelance writer with the UN in Yemen. Widower with a son. I feel like such a fool. Wanted me to join Hangout? No money request.

  121. Angelina Grieve Avatar

    I find it amusing that a lot of men want to play Words when you upload what you consider to be a nice profile picture. I also find it insulting that they assume you’re playing to be chatted up. I now disable chat as soon as I accept a game and 9 times out of ten, I don’t hear from them again….I had to report abuse from someone early on, who I was happy to chat to for a while as he was a complete pain and declared love for me! I like the game; it’s good for me because I work from home and can drop in and out of it when I’m waiting for emails etc, but the downside is that lot of men (i’m sure women as well) really just want to use it as a dating app. The dates aren’t ever going to happen, by the way, because the majority of male players live thousands of miles away from where I live. Added to which, I wouldn’t be remotely interested…..

  122. Gayle Gould Avatar

    Anyone have any dealings with Kevin Coleman?

  123. Becky Pearson Avatar
    Becky Pearson

    After the first one sucked me in and It got a little creepy, I just do not engage. Do not reply to “Hello”. Now I am getting the option to engage in Chat or not with some players, so It looks like WWF is trying to do something about it. I only will chat with people with whom I have played several good games, at least. I’ve met some nice people, but never share personal info with them all the same.

  124. Mary Maddux Avatar
    Mary Maddux

    I don’t even play WWF but a person I know in real life wanted to introduce me to someone she thought she knew from playing WWF2. I said I was pretty much in old hag mode but that if someone wanted to tell me I was amazing & wonderful I would not object. Robert Ellington did.

    I knew the things he was saying likely were not true but I wanted them to be true & I was enjoying talking w/& getting to know him. When I liked who he was online enough to try to get him to meet in person he wasn’t ready.

    I told him to take his time. I tried being respectful & trusting. I didn’t do online searches or push him because I didn’t want to know it wasn’t real.

    When I told a friend how he said he was having trouble w/hia phone she said if he wanted to talk w/me he would. That time, when I said I wanted a phone call he called.

    He was nice. His story was consistent & his voice matched. From Norway. Came to the US at 19. Wife, Olivia, died of Leukemia. Kids, Annie & Logan are being homeschooled to be safe but Robert goes to the hospital to be w/his friend, James, who was recently in a car wreck. And, out dancing until 4am w/friends in from out-of-town who were visiting James to celebrate James being well enough to go out. He took his kids to the zoo in the afternoon heat in Texas.

    The day after I talked w/him he told me about a fabulous work opportunity that would take him away for three months. Of course, he should take it, I said. We talked again the night before he was supposed to leave. (His kids didn’t need to be w/him.)

    Then, he was really busy being one of only two electrical technicians on the ship w/a crew of 27. Sadly, he realized there was no cell reception on the ship. (He had said we would be able to keep talking the same way.) And, he had realized that the Wi-Fi in his room needed recharged or he wouldn’t be able to talk w/me again after that night until they reached Barcelona (in like three weeks). That’s where they were picking up the crude oil. He wasn’t sure where they were taking it.

    I told friends I was having fun talking w/him. I said it was like playing a video game or choose your own adventure story. I kept calling him my pretend boyfriend but part of me did hope somehow he was real.

    One of my friends told me she loved that I had a pretend boyfriend but also told me about a Ryan Gosling movie called Lars & the Real Girl. Robert Ellington’s fabulous story was a lot like Bianca’s. 

    Robert got a little accusational when I said, “No one thinks you are real,” after he asked for money. “It shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks if you trust me,” kinds of crap.

    “Darling, why would you believe someone would pretend to be in love with you?” got to me a bit. What if he was real & wonderful & I was blowing it?!

    After I asked things like why his friend who was watching his kids couldn’t help w/the Wi-Fi, why he hadn’t seemed worried about money before this job suddenly appeared, said the conversation was sad, he disappeared for a few days.

    I was sad. I did miss the person he had been pretending to be &/or having someone check in on me regularly & seem to care about me & my family. He said my son reminded him of him.

    When he resurfaced after four days saying he was sorry about how we left things I admitted I was too. We both talked about having been sad & missing each other. Those things were true for me.

    Then, he needed to get back to work. Now that he was on the ship he was always busy. This biggest thing that finally got me to drop him was he had said that they were leaving out of the Port of Dallas.

    To myself & friends I wondered aloud, “Is there a place a ship could leave from in Dallas?!”

    I read a bit about a river that flows through there & did find a Port of Dallas but after he’d resurfaced (had been using the Wi-Fi in the neighboring room), I finally called the Port of Dallas & asked if there was a way to verify the things he said were true. 

    The operator said, “There’s no ocean around here so I would venture to say, ‘No.’”

    I talked w/him for three & a half weeks & have been surprised at how hard it has been to stop wanting to talk w/him. I thought I was getting there today & wondered about reporting him & found all of you.

    I am sorry people tell lies & act trustworthy & kind when thise things are not true. I am sorry any of you were hurt emotionally, financially…

    The talks we had were on Hangouts. The email address he had been using is:

    It looks like he is just Robert E. on WWF2. I don’t know how to report him since I don’t have an account. I will share this page w/my friend & see if she wants to.

    I have been appreciating a song by The Chicks (formerly the Dixie Chicks) called How Do You Sleep at Night? “How do u tell those lies? Living a double life.”

    Best wishes to each of you.

  125. Anne Avatar

    I object to being told I ‘shouldn’t’ play with people I don’t know – isn’t that blaming the victim? I do play with people I don’t know but my nickname makes it clear that I don’t chat and if a player leaves a message I ignore it. Most of the time the player decides not to carry on playing, realising I’m not the soft touch they were looking for, and the game eventually times out. However the most recent game like that just disappeared so I didn’t even have the satisfaction of a win.

    When I start a game with a new male player I have a laugh with my husband about how long it will take them to start chatting! I have a few games on the go at the moment with men I don’t know and so far they are happy to play and not chat.

  126. lisa Avatar

    I have got several; and I have been playing this game over 12 years. I am considering stopping to be honest. You will know right away because before you even accept the invite there’s already a “message” waiting for you. They always start with “Hello” or “hello dear” . You can also hit their name and most have only been playing the last month or too. I am a female, and I actually had a female trying to hit on me and get my personal info. Here are a few recent ones:

    Williamjohn183- playing since 11/22/20
    James Mata- playing since 11/5/2020
    Muhammadhamdan731- this was interesting!Zabal Palace price of Dubai!
    Adamphilips556- playing since 11/4/2020
    Fernandogreenman595- playing since 11/21/20

    I am getting tired of it and now I basically just decline new games. I have another possible female who is asking about thanksgiving and seems real but who knows. Be safe all!

  127. Wendy beer Avatar
    Wendy beer

    Anyone had ‘dealings’ with a Kelvin Johnson?
    Gorgeous ( aren’t they all)
    Half Brazilian
    Widowed 7 years
    14 year old son
    Marine chemist
    Just asking!!

    1. Don't chat Avatar
      Don’t chat

      Yep. He’s back with sightly different details, location and his own age. I bet that is adjusting based on who he’s talking to.

    2. Christie N Arevalo Avatar
      Christie N Arevalo

      Hi, Wendy. I have a wonderful next door neighbor who is in up to her eyeballs with this guy. She is 70 years old almost and completely brainwashed. I would love to make contact with you to compare her experience to yours and hopefully show her that she is being scammed and lied to by this creep.

    3. Laurie Steidel Avatar
      Laurie Steidel

      Hi Wendy, I think I’m talking to the same guy right now. Name is Kelvin Johnson, also a marine chemist, but tells me he’s from Augusta, Georgia. Possibly he didn’t want to say Michigan because I’m in Ohio—just a car ride away. Also has a teenage son (16) and has a live-in nanny for him. He has also connected me with his “son” (named Jack) and we’ve chatted a little too. Kelvin is telling me he’s stuck on a rig in the Gulf of Mexico and wants me to sell my house to get enough money ($300,000 needed) to leave the rig so we can be together. He has a temper and it shows up a lot when I ask too many questions he doesn’t want to answer. I thought we ended things when I called him out on an obviously fake picture he sent me, but now he’s talking to me again like nothing is wrong. Says he misses me. I’d love to compare notes/photos.

  128. Alex Avatar

    I believe my mom is being scammed by a Fred Anderson. Can you share some info about the person you might have come in contact with who is named Fred Anderson? My mom has been talking to this guy for 3 years…he claims he is originally from Turkey, move to Kentucky, has a daughter, he is widowed from an addict (which so is my mom), working on an oil rig in the UK…any help would be much appreciated!

    1. Patrick James Mims Avatar
      Patrick James Mims

      Hey, not sure if you still need help, but if you look back in the comments of this string, you will see many from people being scammed by the same exact person – same name, same story, everything. So this guy is bad news. Hopefully your mom didn’t lose any money to him. Addiction and sobriety can make people very vulnerable. I speak from experience.

  129. Victoria Tompkins Avatar

    The guy that is claiming to be a Doctor an his wife died of cancer is still on words with friends going by Tommy I wouldn’t talk to him really an he deleted me an his account there’s another guy claiming to be for Texas don’t remember his name thought he did the same thing to me I wouldn’t really talk he deleted me an this was all in January 2021!

  130. Mickey Avatar

    Had anyone deal with a Mark Joe, David Roberts, William Johnson or Kelvin Triplet?

  131. Charmaine Avatar

    Hi has anyone had someone called Myles Kennedy contact them on wwf? 51 from Spokane

  132. Caz Avatar

    I am currently being chatted up by frank williams, oil rig worker dead wife, 2 kids, beautiful house etc

  133. Christina Avatar

    Look out for a Mark Spiegler. Claims to be in the US Military.

    Plays on the heart strings for the purpose of a payout.

    Unfortunately for him, I am no fool!!

  134. Rachel voogt-kennedy Avatar
    Rachel voogt-kennedy

    Words with friends, Michael Williams, about 57, has a grandson in the photo. Says he is a doctor working in Syria for the UN. (American) His profile on FB, is Christian-based but noticed all photos on the profile were added at the same time (the day he contacted me). asked if I was married or not, asked if I wanted to get married again. Wanted to get to know me more, sked for my email address and to join hangouts. I blocked him. It is so nice to be flattered, but oh, I smelled a rat! He never had any friends on his FB profile or photos, except of him and one expensive car excluding the number plate.

  135. Henri Avatar

    They usually come across with a picture of a young attractive chick joined like on the same day they send you an invite to play with a request to chat straight away. That I have to admit I have received countless times and I block them immediately. There seems to be an increase of these scammers lately! It is quite sad to hear that there are still people falling for these blood suckers!

  136. Patrick J Mims Avatar
    Patrick J Mims

    Truth be told, I don’t really have any friends on the app (or in life), and the few acquaintances I do have are not reliable. So I have to accept messages from strangers or else I’ll never play. I’ve had a few Russian women try to spark up convos. I gave one of them my WhatsApp got but it never really went anywhere. I could tell something was up because they weren’t trying very hard. And there was one instance when I spelled the word sexy and she mentioned something about it in the chat. I thought that was strange. Having said that, 99% of the people I play with are good people. And please don’t shy away from request, simply because they’re from strangers. If that was the case, I would never get to play. I should have meant that I do send occasional chats too, but there are always more than appropriate. They’re always related to the game. I’ll say stuff like “that’s an interesting word” or “this is going to be close” or “good game/play.” Hopefully people don’t mind. I heard a story about two people on WWF that eventually got married. So you never know, could meet your soulmate.

    Anyway, if you look at these comments, they all follow a similar pattern. Guy is from a foreign country, the wife is dead, and his daughter needs help. So if anybody is spinning you those lines, block them.

  137. Estella R. Avatar
    Estella R.

    Scammer names: SRGT. ROMEO KINNUNE and his son JAYDEN. Another alias GEORGIA MENDEZ possibly same scammer.
    My grandmother (85 female) has been scammed out of over 1.2 MILLION dollars from 1 or many scammers over the last probably 1-2 years. This all began on WWF. The name they used is “Romeo Kinnune”. Says he’s a general in Afghanistan, works on a huge oil rig and claims to be very wealthy but cant access his funds from the ocean. Needs money so his “oil rig doesn’t sink!” My grandmother (who we now know is suffering from dementia) has been completely brainwashed by these scammers. They wanted to her to download Google Hangouts.. She did.. Now they mostly use WhatsApp. Checking her call logs there, it is apparent that they speak (voice calls) for HOURS daily over the phone, feeding her lies. Says his wife died, and has a son named “Jayden” who is in college. My grandmother has paid for Jayden’s “tuition” many times. I believe that “Romeo” plays the part of many fake people using different accounts to message her to back his story. She has separate chats between her and Romeo and his “son” Jayden. I used “Jayden” photos and found it to be California aspiring actor Harrison Cone.. I reached out and he of course said he was sorry that someone scammed her using his photos. — Every method of scamming has been used on her and she is in complete denial that it’s not a real person. She’s in “love”. She has attempted to open home loans around $300k. We only found all this out in Sept 2020 when we sat her down for an intervention. We found way more money gone than we even knew she had. We contacted help. help. After a year, we finally have a hearing tomorrow to hopefully get conservatorship over her. We’ve tried to convince and show her the facts about how it’s a scam. She thinks we are the crazy ones. We’ve tried taking her electronics. But she memorizes her credit card numbers and just orders new phones/ipads/pcs.. It’s an endless cycle. She still speaks to them daily. We just recently found a bank statements where she wired $35k to an auto auction in our state. They convinced her to buy auction vehicles and someone actually went and received those cars. We are working on getting further info on this. It’s scary because we know they’re local possibly.
    Another one of their ploys is that they’re “sending her money back plus more”.. Then, they will say that the money package is being help up “in port” and that she will need to send them an additional $3k to have it “released” to her.. I have gone through all her emails and messages and she gives every single bank account numbers and passwords away. She complies instantly. It is clear that they’re hounding her daily. There have been a few times I think we’ve got through to her…but after another 2hr phone-call, she is back believing them.. Such a disaster!! I wish there were more laws and regulations in place to prevent this type stuff from happening on gaming/social apps. Though there is some comfort in knowing how many others deal with this too.

  138. Leah Avatar

    Who was in contact with a Scott frank ???

  139. Elizabeth Neil Avatar
    Elizabeth Neil

    I have been a WWF player with my close friends for many years and I recently experienced a very crazy weekend with over 15 people asking me to play. I was bored so I accepted most of them.

    Then the chats started. “Hi, how are you, you’re so beautiful.” I played along for a day or two until the requests kept coming, with more personal questions. I resigned from every game and blocked them all. FYI, while we were “chatting” I took photos of our conversations just in case somebody takes this seriously.

  140. Cindy Fisher Avatar
    Cindy Fisher


    Has anyone heard of a George Krantz (Crantz, not sure of the spelling). Same scenario as most of the comments above, widowed has a daughter in boarding school and works on a ship. My mother has been playing Words with Friends with him for several years and is now having envelopes/packages sent to her from various people and then forwarding them. She will not listen to me as I have told her many times this is a scam and now she is being used as a mule and don’t know what to do as she will not listen to reason. Any ideas out there how to get through to someone before they loose everything?

  141. Jeff Avatar

    How about Frederick Luca? We believe my mother-in-law is being scammed through WWF.

    1. Christine Avatar

      I played him a few days ago and when I said I don’t use hangouts he was gone

  142. Rita Avatar

    First of all I use my cat as a picture. Guess men think a woman has cats.. Once a man sends a message I accept and or say hello. Then they start with hello hello are you there etc etc.. I never answer or play and then they go away. So you can play with a stranger, aren’t they all, just don’t talk to them! I’ve never had one woman start a chat…

    1. Tamara Nolan Avatar
      Tamara Nolan

      LOL.. The minute they find out all you want to do is chat they end the game.

  143. rachel Avatar

    anyone ever heard of a smith felix!! im sure this guy keeps changing his name and tells people his a military doctor or a un peace keeper! he messaged me on 2 different games, clearly a scammer, reported him! hope his not scamming other people

  144. Sandy Brown Avatar

    Martins Smork said he was on offshore oil rig; widower with a grandson who lived with relatives. Caught him in many lies because he couldnt keep is story straight. But, fool that I am and at my age, he scammed me out of 12,000.00. Another name he gave me Martin Von Grossmann, who is a business man and obviously his name is being used. I have saved photos of this Martins Smork. I have talked to him on phone and accent so thick I could not understand him and his voice does not match his photo. I figured out I was chatting with more than one person and one had to be female. I have the addressed where I stupidly sent checks. Oh, met him in Words With Friends. This is just a brief account of how good these men are….catfishing.

  145. Tamara Nolan Avatar
    Tamara Nolan

    I have had a young woman contact me. She seemed nice enough until she said she would not be on WWF too much more and wanted me to go to Telegram. Then she kept asking me if I had texted her yet. She gladly handed over her phone number which I thought was a bit odd.

  146. Tamara Nolan Avatar
    Tamara Nolan

    I have been chatting with a female. After a month she wanted me to go on to Telegram. I told her I wasn’t comfortable with giving out my personal number and I would rather continue to chat on WWF and she got mad. Started sending me hostile messages and actually demanding that I tell her who I talked to make me feel the way I’m feeling. To me that is a RED FLAG. If you were sincere you would not behave that way.

  147. Julie Avatar

    Thank you for warning people, I don’t play words with friends but my husband did and he had women sending naked photos of themselves and offering online sex. It is a dreadful app. Also I have been catfished on Instagram, by so called “Engineers” “Doctors” and “Military Officers”

  148. Josh Avatar

    Zynga did not create WWF. Newtoy did. Zynga bought them out.

  149. Blithe Avatar

    Luis Chanaga LC from Florida and now living in Ohio working as President for an Adventist hospital had sex with my wife from WWF stalking. He have her the worst stories about his marriage and need for sex. He’s smooth but terrible lover. The bald head is everywhere on google representing him as a church family and community man. He’s a WWF creep

  150. Pauline Avatar

    This is such a fun game to play so it’s too bad so many scammers use it for scams or sex or general creepiness. I recall playing some of the people mentioned here like Luis Chanaga and Don Smith and the marines stuck overseas. Creeps.

  151. Becky M Avatar
    Becky M

    Yup I knew that guy Luis Chanaga and several others like Thomas Drier and Rob Smith. Luis was just a married religious guy looking for sex and chats. The others seemed to want money or personal information for likely scams. There are dating sites for what Luis Chanaga was looking for… use those. I guess when you’re married this feels a little safer.

    1. Jessica A Avatar
      Jessica A

      I think some of the women from WWF tried to warn Luis Chanaga’s wife that he was a cheating pervert. They were concerned for her health since he was so sexually active with strangers he met online… no one really knew how many. I guess his wife was unresponsive and he likely convinced her everyone was scamming him (insert eye roll). She’ll figure it out someday.

      1. Leeann G Avatar
        Leeann G

        I heard he met someone at blind and stayed with her for a few years that’s why he wasn’t on the sex prowl. Who knows… I hope someone at least warned that woman about him whoever she is. She probably has no idea he’s such a creep either. Luis Chanaga should just come out of his religious closet and be who he is without all the lies and cover ups. At least he was a good player on the game lol

        1. Suzanne Avatar

          Some of us tried to warn the woman Luis Chanaga was dating and his wife. It seems Luis was fired from his executive job for adultery, so I guess he was exposed and people know.

  152. Joyce Avatar

    I made up a fake person like they do. It was easy in beginning but then you forget what you said & make a mistake. I told him I was from Newfoundland but wanted to know the style of the house I lived in. It’s a colonial & that’s an American style. We are not good liars. I ended it fast before I got caught.

  153. Catherine T Avatar
    Catherine T

    At least Luis Chanaga didn’t ask me for money or gift cards lol. He just wanted sex or flirty chat. He creeped me out with all his questions and wanted to know too much about me. I hope his wife finally knows and leaves him because he should never be trusted. I’m sure he’s been smooth enough to make her believe anything. Apparently she is a SAHM and homeschools so he can control her easily.

  154. Katherine Avatar

    All these stories are so familiar and so many users are familiar too. Some sounds really suave like Luis Chanaga and others sounds like complete scammers but it can take time to notice all the triggers. Generally no one wants to just play the game and have an easy friendly surface chat. It’s difficult to identify exactly what people are trying to get from you.

  155. Katie Avatar

    Luis Chanaga disguised Transformational Business Leader but really an adulterous stalker on game apps.

    1. Marybeth Avatar

      Apparently Mr Luis Chanaga transformational business leader is not just a scammer for sex but also for personal business. Weird he’s posting a blog and letters on sites talking to no one but pretending to be full of leadership wisdom

  156. Beckey Avatar

    I knew Luis Chanaga too… people are talking about him on

    I guess he’s not the only creeper in the SDA run organizations. Run of executive Adventists want to chat online

  157. Lauren Sadler Avatar
    Lauren Sadler

    Has anyone come across a Myles Kennedy on Words With Friends? Tried to talk me into buying and accepting gift cards. Red flags when he mentioned crypto coins. Started playing with 17/12/22 but now I am blocked.

  158. Lauren Sadler Avatar
    Lauren Sadler

    I have been chatting to a Myles Kennedy on Words With Friends. Married but just wanted to “get to know eachother” that was until he wanted to send me gift cards and Crypto-coin. Of course I have to send a deposit first. Profile pic of guitar with the name Myles run run run!!!

  159. Lyle Avatar

    Those affected by Luis Chanaga
    Apparently you were not alone in getting scammed. Ughhh

    1. Bev Avatar

      I knew Luis Chanaga was scamming and lying to me to get laid and money

  160. Jess Avatar

    Luis Chanaga
    Business Leader

    He’s a liar and a scammer. Multiple women were resided by his sex scams. No longer a healthcare leader executive but writing articles to make his name look better on google searches.

  161. Cindi Avatar

    Luis Chanaga now has websites giving advice and seeking public speaking gigs. Wow, he’s a piece of work. Loser and fraud. Hopefully people google him before getting involved.

  162. Rodolfo Avatar

    Luis Chanaga now claims to be a business leader writing blogs and letters and creating websites. He’s a sexual predator.
    Beware interactions with Luis Chanaga

  163. Judy Avatar

    Watch out for LorenzoGianB. Very sophisticated scammer. I was being groomed for a couple months. He’s level 18 so that adds credibility. I’ve reported him to Zynga twice and he’ll be suspended for awhile and then back on. Reverse image scan revealed he’s using photos of Dr. Juan Rivera.

  164. Abby Avatar

    Beware of a man whose game handle is PhillJonCrypt. I have come across many of these scammers and always was able to brush them off or have them disappear in the middle of the game due to my responses. But this guy started talki g to me about my cat and how he wanted to have one. He got me chatting and he said he is architect from UK who is recently settled in New Jersey US. Didn’t know many people. Very busy with his job. Was very convincing and soundly genuinely nice. He had a sad history( I wish I had read the above stories before). His wife was his best friend and died of cancer, and his parents died when he was 16, his sister brought him up. He talked so beautifully about his sister, very convincing. Once he got my number(fool fool) gave me a number. I reverse tracked it and it did appear to be from New Jersey but couldn’t find the owner. The first day when we started chatting on the phone. I felt like it was a different person as the English was not as good. I went online and checked these stories. Immediately deleted all messages in WWf, blocked the person on that, blocked him (them) on the phone, changed my name on WWF, even removed my cats picture🥹, sad. I felt so embarrassed at falling for this as I consider myself a smart person🤨. Wanted to share it out so others don’t fall for this. Did not ask for money but I bet it was coming. Just felt like a fool and heart was bruised for a day probably 😀.

  165. K Dalessandro Avatar

    I turned off chat. I’m not there to chat anyway. When the scammers can’t chat they quit playing. Sometimes the trash takes itself out. LOL Problem solved.

    I understand that some like to keep chat open. The photos are often a dead giveaway. They look like they’ve taken model photos from Facebook. They look professional – too perfect. The questions also start up after several plays… are you married, what do you do, where are you from, blah, blah, blah.

  166. Jan Avatar

    Anyone hear of Boris Johnson, trying to see if my mother is being scammed. The guys from Jamaica lives in Chicago is widowed and might be going to Europe soon so can’t come visit. Won’t give the details out about self as age picture etc

  167. Angela Ward Avatar
    Angela Ward

    Does anyone know if there is a player name list or pictures of these scammers?

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