
This is an aggregation page for my recent writing on keywords. These are the ideas that I’ve organized my thinking around for most of my adult life. I recently noticed that these keywords pop up in my columns, but not in a way that’s handy for the curious reader.

Before you roll your eyes and click away, I’ll ground these keyword explorations in specific and (if I’ve had enough coffee) amusing particulars.

I’ve borrowed the idea of keywords from Raymond Williams’ marvelous book (1976 and 1983) Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society, where he explored ideas that were hotly contested like “art,” “modern,” and “revolution.”

Newsletter Issues that discuss Keywords in reverse chronological order:

The Hollywood Strikes, AI, Strategy, & Overfocusing (August 6, 2023) (The strategic perspective)

Keyword: Overfocusing (July 16, 2023) (The audience perspective)

Keyword: Persuasion (May 21, 2023)

Keyword: Eventness (April 23, 2023)