Thoughts about where our real and digital worlds collide.
Industry Evolution by Meteor Strike
Two recent developments in the world of comic books have lessons for all businesses in the age of digital transformation. From the “Big Story You Haven’t Noticed” department: this month, two things happened in the world of comic books that combine to make a huge inflection point. My friend Peter Horan calls this sort of thing…
Mediapocalypse 2025
Peak TV is here, but it’s not going to last because there isn’t enough audience to go around. The collapse and consolidation is just a bit more than two years away. Here are my predictions. What happens after you reach a peak, any peak? You descend from the height… whether it’s summiting Everest, climbing that hill near…
Nostalgia and Pseudo-Nostalgia in TV
“Happy Days” portrayed the 1950s when the 1950s weren’t even 20 years in the past. Last week saw the premieres of two new series, “Quantum Leap” and “Reboot,” that explore similar territory. For kids in the 1970s the biggest star in the world was Henry Winkler, who played The Fonz on Happy Days. The show was…
Frontiers of Live Experience
New forms of live media experiences are cropping up at different scales, but what are the differences between live and on-demand anyway, and why does it matter? Since the arrival of the VCR and DVR, home video, VOD, podcasting, and streaming, the last few decades have shifted our media consumption from live shared experiences in…
The New York Times’ Moral Lapse
The Gray Lady blew it when it decided to review Jared Kushner’s new memoir, no matter how scathing the review. Your correspondent also blew it by posting about the review. When people learn that I’m an atheist often the first thing they say is, “oh, so you don’t believe in God?” “No,” I push back…
Why Walmart Should Buy Paramount
Note: I wrote and first published the following column on Sunday, August 14, before the rumors came true the following day: Walmart had signed an agreement with Paramount. You can find a review of that news here. However, nothing about the news changes my argument that Walmart is missing a bigger opportunity, which is the topic of what follows. …