Thoughts about where our real and digital worlds collide.

  • On Being a Dad

    Would Father’s Day be different if we called it “Dad’s Day” instead? Today is Father’s Day in the US. It’s a minor holiday compared to Mother’s Day.* Viewed from the beginning of the parenting journey,** this makes sense. The mother carries what in any other context would be considered a parasite for nine long months. Doing this…

  • Economist, DeSantis, Trump, Shakespeare

    The May 27th issue of The Economist has an in-depth briefing entitled, “A bungled coup: Ron DeSantis has little chance of beating Donald Trump to his party’s nomination.” The Economist is always literate, but it isn’t often literary. This piece persistently conjures up Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar throughout. That includes the opening line: “Belatedly and nervously, the would-be assassins have been…

  • A Recipe for Digital Transformation

    19 years before COVID, the 9/11 attacks gave me a sneak peek at how quickly we can change if the right three ingredients are in place. “Turn on the television.” 6:00am. Urgency in my brother-in-law’s voice cut through the grogginess as I held the bedside phone to my ear and clutched for my glasses. Our…

  • Keyword: Persuasion

    People decide with their hearts and justify with their heads. Knowing what to do with that can make you a more effective communicator. Also, a persuasion lesson from my old boss, Rick Parkhill. The word “persuasion” gets a bad rap because it sounds like a con job where the persuader pulls one over on an…

  • The Anatomy of Delight

    A Broadway show, a YouTube video, and a classic movie lead me to explore how surprise comes from novelty on the other side of familiarity… & why that’s actionable for creators and business leaders. People call things delightful all the time, but what exactly is delight? It’s not just pleasure, nor is it simply more…

  • Generative AI, Misinformation, and the Plausibility Loophole

    By now, it’s common knowledge that programs like ChatGPT say things that just aren’t true, but why do we believe the lies so readily? The answer is F.A.B.S. Most people writing about generative AI (ChatGPT, DALL-E, Bard) focus on what the AIs can do, which is understandable since these algorithms are still new. With ChatGPT,…

  • A Urinal in Troutdale: Shakespeare Sightings

    Shakespeare has been ever-present for centuries because of a peculiar quality of how the brand works, a quality that other brands can imitate. Here are two weird things about Shakespeare. First, while some people love Shakespeare, others view reading or seeing the plays as a punishment from God. Second, you cannot escape references to Shakespeare—not…

  • Retro Futures: “Redcrosse” and the view from 1997 and 2011 – Bonus

    Yesterday, April 27, 2023 was when the plot of my 2011 near future dystopian novel began… what a weird feeling. I’ve written before about Retro Futures, by which I mean looking at how the future looked to science fiction writers in previous eras, measuring what they got right and what they got wrong, and then thinking…

  • Why I Wish CNN Had Waited a Day to Fire Don Lemon: Bonus Post

    Here are some handy links for two stories that hit at almost precisely the same moment this morning. Media these days suffers from a weird paradox. On one hand, since Reagan got rid of the Fairness Doctrine in the 1980s news organizations have not had to present both sides of an issue, which has led to partisan…

  • Keyword: Eventness

    Watching the series finale of “Star Trek: Picard” was a lonely exercise because most of the value of experiences comes from sharing them. Regret seldom punctuates my day-to-day life, but if I had Prof. Peabody’s Wayback Machine handy I would jump back a few days and then schlep up to Seattle or down to L.A.…