Thoughts about where our real and digital worlds collide.

  • Interesting Tidbits for December 31st

    Things worth reading for December 31st: Google destroys its brand difference :: CultureBy – Grant McCracken – Grant’s ability to put his finger directly onto a problem consistently impresses me. Argentina’s Dancing with the Stars Is Pretty Much Straight Up Porn – To say this is “NSFW” is to make the understatement of the century……

  • Interesting Tidbits for December 30th

    Things worth reading for December 30th: MapQuest, Yelp and Other Websites Ally Against Google to Sell Local-Business Ads – – “A band of Internet rivals is joining together in hopes of jump-starting sales of online ads to local businesses, and of defending their turf in the emerging local market from Google Inc. “Using technology…

  • Interesting Tidbits for December 28th through December 29th

    Things worth reading for December 28th through December 29th: “The Future of Privacy: How Privacy Norms Can Inform Regulation” – Important October 2010 talk by Danah Boyd: “I’m not going to solve the definitional debate, but I do need to give you a sense of how I conceptualize privacy so that you can understand where…

  • Interesting Tidbits for December 23rd through December 27th

    Things worth reading for December 23rd through December 27th: JWT: 100 Things to Watch in 2011 – Terrific deck.  Well worth the time. Jon Stewart’s Advocacy Role in 9/11 Bill Passage – – “Did the bill pledging federal funds for the health care of 9/11 responders become law in the waning hours of the…

  • The Best Compliment Ever

    This morning my 5 year old son had a haircut, and upon sitting down in the chair he turned to Eddie — who also cuts my hair — and said, “I want to look just like Daddy.” Here’s an image that Kathi took at the time. Talk about a holiday present!

  • Interesting Tidbits for December 22nd through December 23rd

    Things worth reading for December 22nd through December 23rd: Hits and Misses From Madison Avenue – – Nice year-end review by Suzanne. IPhone and Android Apps Breach Privacy – – And people wonder why customers don’t trust big internet? “An examination of 101 popular smartphone “apps”—games and other software applications for iPhone and…

  • Interesting Tidbits for December 21st through December 22nd

    Things worth reading for December 21st through December 22nd: I m a g i n e >>>> t o m o r r o w: Driving behavior with game dynamics – Very useful piece by David De Boer (who I’m now tracking) on game dynamics. Didn’t hurt that he cites @christydena. New Poll: Americans Say…

  • Interesting Tidbits for December 20th to December 21st

    Today’s Top Story? *definitely* Net Neutrality… with other goodies included: Net Neutrality Rules Are Imminent From the F.C.C. – – New York Times has a dimmer view of today’s FCC act: “But a wide swath of public interest groups have lambasted the proposal as “fake net neutrality” and said it was rife with loopholes.…

  • Interesting Tidbits for December 20th from 06:34 to 07:15

    Things worth reading for December 20th from 06:34 to 07:15: F2F in the Mediated Classroom: "Premiering in L.A.": the "New" MLA 2011 Jan. 6-9 – @kathiiberens takes apart the MLA's Flintstonian reluctance to adapt to social media and new levels of transparency. Go Kathi Go! No one’s neutral about net neutrality – Don't miss this…

  • Interesting Tidbits for December 4th through December 17th

    Things worth reading for December 4th through December 17th: MediaPost Publications Finnegan Begins Again, This Time As Head Of Interpublic’s Geomentum 12/17/2010 – Big news for Sean! Making the transition from Delicious to Evernote « Evernote Blogcast – Nice try from Evernote, but without tags this is pointless. Time Inc. Magazine Unit Names First Digital…