Thoughts about where our real and digital worlds collide.

  • Interesting Tidbits for March 16th

    Things worth reading for March 4th through March 16th: The State of the News Media 2011 – Here’s the direct study from Pew that Reuters summarized in the next link. Online readership and ad revenue overtake newspapers | Reuters – Reuters Summary: “For the first time, online readership and advertising revenue has surpassed that of print…

  • The Shakespeare Brand: Yesterday’s iMedia Talk now UP on YouTube

    UPDATE: More of the talk now embedded below. Yesterday I had the great pleasure of speaking at the iMedia Brand Summit– an event that I’ve been intimately associated with for years but at which I’ve rarely presented while wearing my research hat.  This talk is the seed of my next book length project, and I…

  • Interesting Tidbits for March 4th

    Things worth reading for February 26th through March 4th: FCC Moves to Redirect Phone Subsidies for the Poor – PCWorld Business Center – Big news, surfaced by @shellypalmer Facebook To Share Users’ Home Addresses, Phone Numbers With External Sites – Yikes!  “Facebook will be moving forward with a controversial plan to give third-party developers and…

  • Interesting Tidbits for February 23rd

    Things worth reading for February 16th through February 23rd: Information overload? Time to relax then | Technology | – Nice piece by Mr. Doctorow: “After years of discovering a new information resource, being consumed by it, finding it too much to bear, then getting on top of it, only to find myself being sucked…

  • Interesting Tidbits for February 15th

    Things worth reading for February 10th through February 15th: HP’s Open Innovation Strategy: Leveraging Academic Labs – Technology Review – “When Rich Friedrich of HP Labs looks into the future, he sees desks used as 3-D displays, printers that automatically tailor a newspaper to a reader’s tastes, faster and more secure cloud computing servers, and…

  • Interesting Tidbits for February 9th

    Things worth reading for February 7th through February 9th: Why Didn’t a Newspaper Create The Huffington Post?: Tech News and Analysis « – More thoughtful analysis on the HuffPo/AOL marriage from GigaOm: “As author Clay Christensen outlined in The Innovator’s Dilemma, it is almost impossible for a company that has an established business in one…

  • Interesting Tidbits for February 7th

    Things worth reading for February 3rd through February 7th: AOL+HuffPo! Why It is Not Really a Good Deal: Tech News and Analysis « – Om’s analysis of the AOL acquisition of HuffPo. Good read. AOL Buys Huffington Post for $315 Million – ‘In one of the biggest digital publishing deals in recent memory, AOL has…

  • Interesting Tidbits for February 3rd

    Things worth reading for February 2nd through February 3rd: Is Your Calendar Managing You? – Ron Ashkenas – Harvard Business Review – Speaking of feeling overwhelmed… “Collectively, the demands we face at work are daunting and require constant juggling and trade-offs. For senior people much of this juggling is done by an executive assistant and/or…

  • Interesting Tidbits for February 2nd

    Things worth reading for January 31st through February 2nd: Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: “Deep Media,” Transmedia, What’s the Difference?: An Interview with Frank Rose (Part One) – First part of a wide-ranging and brilliant discussion between Henry Jenkins and Frank Rose, author of a forthcoming book on “Deep Media.” Jaron Lanier: “Friction-Free” Is the…

  • Interesting Tidbits for January 25th

    Things worth reading for January 24th through January 25th: The Networked Librarian | Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project – Lee gave a terrific keynote at the December Agency Summit. If you’re in SF on 3/23, don’t miss his talk: “Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project,…