Thoughts about where our real and digital worlds collide.
Interesting Tidbits for November 19th through November 23rd
Things worth reading for November 19th through November 23rd: Multitasking and Continuous Partial Attention: An Interview with Linda Stone (Part Two) – Continuation of Henry & Linda's Important interview– not to be missed. JiWire acquires LBS company NearbyNow — TechCrunch – Interesting fusion of scale & location & retail: "NearbyNow allows brands to show products…
Interesting Tidbits for November 18th through November 19th
Things worth reading for November 18th through November 19th: Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: Multitasking and Continuous Partial Attention: An Interview with Linda Stone (Part One) – Important Interview with two of my favorite thinkers: Linda Stone and Henry Jenkins. "In 1997, I coined the phrase Continuous Partial Attention (Harvard Business Review, January 2007) to…
Interesting Tidbits for November 17th through November 18th
Things worth reading for November 17th through November 18th: The Future of Advertising | Fast Company – Massive, well-written, and useful: this is the article you should send to your friends and parents who don't understand what all the digital media fuss is about. A triumph and not to be missed.<br /> <br /> "Over…
Interesting Tidbits for November 16th through November 17th
Things worth reading for November 16th through November 17th: Too Good to Check – – Important Piece by Thomas Friedman: “On Nov. 4, Anderson Cooper did the country a favor. He expertly deconstructed on his CNN show the bogus rumor that President Obama’s trip to Asia would cost $200 million a day. This was…
Interesting Tidbits from around the web for November 15th through November 16th
These are my links for November 15th through November 16th: Meebo to Announce Content Sharing Bar | Liz Gannes | NetworkEffect | AllThingsD – “Meebo on Tuesday plans to announce an update to its popular Meebo Bar (which is used on this Web site, and many others, to make it easier for users to share…